Jimmy Lishman (14 Sep 2012)
"The populace suffering for the choices of the king(read elected officials)"

Hi Doves,

I must concur with John Mc Ternan on the issue of ‘..as they have done unto Israel, shall be done unto them.

The choices of the king ‘read elected officials’ of any given land always reflects on the populace and the point in question has had two  direct results the  past month.

Sunday the US department of state head made such a blunder, being wilfully blind to the past

On Sunday, Clinton appeared to rule out an ultimatum to the Iranians.
“We’re not setting deadlines,” she told Bloomberg Radio when asked whether Washington would draw “red lines” for Iran or spell out the consequences of failing to reach agreement with world powers by a certain date.
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak has warned that time is running out as Iran’s nuclear facilities approach a “zone of immunity,” protected in underground bunkers invulnerable to Israeli attack.

The direct result 48 hours later is the destruction of the Libyan US Embassy and loss of state employees lives. It is not necessary to go into the detail which is a tragedy to the families of the diplomatic corps as a direct result of their dept of state repeating so many times the past 20 years, the error of going against the chosen nation of the LORD.

on August, 10 2012 the South African dept of trade and industry banned all imports from Israel because they reckoned the products should be labeled  not made in Israel, but in the occupied territories and Gaza. My first thoughts were to Genesis 12:3 and I wondered what the LORD would do to South Africa – lo and behold a week later the satan entered a group of mineworkers(the LORD uses all at HIS disposal), inspired by their shamans to take up arms and demand higher wages, which quickly got out of hand with bloodshed and financial ruin and currently (a month later) the mining has all but come to a stillstand – Israel cannot export to South Afica, and as a result South Africa cannot export platinum or gold as a result – coupled to extreme violence reminiscent to a time in the far past – 1976 when the same bloodthirsty violence swept South Africa. The government and secular society cannot comprehend what is unfolding.

I sent a excerpt of John McTernans book (3 pages) followed by what I have written above concerning the turning away from Israel and denying her export markets to the South African Minister of Trade and Industry and still await a response.


No one learns from the past – just ask Great Britain (which should currently only be labelled Britain now) because they stole 90% of Israels territory after the Balfour declaration and gave it to Jordan – in the same currency the LORD removed ALL their territories, on which the sun never set….


The world will not listen or learn.


Awaiting HIS coming and call to come up here any moment now!

