Jim Bramlett (21 Sep 2012)
"Rapture date?"

Dear friends:

There have been failed rapture dates in the past, but that doesn't mean they will all fail.  One day, maybe very soon I believe, someone will nail it.  To  do so is biblical, I believe.  The prophetic signs are accumulating rapidly.

That someone may be Renee M.  She is an American missionary serving in a Third World country.  She is a bright, diligent student of the Word, and she listens to the voice of the Lord.  She posts her insights on the Internet.  Her Web site is at http://jesusiscoming2015.webs.com/whenistherapture.htm.

Below is an excerpt of one of her latest posts, located at http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/sep2012/reneem915-1.htm

But on August 31, 2012, everything began to change and the Lord began to speak and reveal things to me, showing me that the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, October 7, 2012, will be the first Rapture of the Bride of Christ. On Friday, August 31, 2012, I finally was given the answers I had been seeking for SO LONG. These last 2 weeks have been the most unbelievably wonderful weeks of my life. I feel as though I have been let out of prison.

The Lord brought SO MUCH revelation over the next 6 days (from August 31 to September 5) that I could literally write a book, and this is already turning into one. So, I will only point you to the videos I have made and my website to read the information that the Lord has given to me. Over the next 3 weeks, I will try to share everyday on Fivedoves ONE or TWO things the Lord showed me just in case you do not have time to read everything now or watch all of the videos at once. On September 6, 2012, at around 4:30 am the Lord told me that the revelation was complete and that I needed to begin to write what He had shown me.

This is not just another "guess" at a Rapture date
, although you are welcome to think so if you want. You don't know me, so unless the Lord reveals something to you, or you are somehow convinced by what I write, then there is no reason for you to think that this is anything more than another "guess" at a Rapture date. But I know that I know that this was a revelation from the Lord and He has confirmed it to me over and over again over the last 2 weeks. This is not a roll of the dice or flip of the coin. This was the Holy Spirit who leads us into ALL truth.

Just to share a few confirmations with you in case you are still reading and interested to hear more:

On August 31, 2012, right after the Lord revealed that October 7, 2012, would be the first Rapture, I went upstairs and was brushing my teeth to go to bed. The Lord asked me to count the days til October 7, 2012. I counted 38. He asked me how old I was. I couldn't remember, but after calculating from my birth to 2012, I answered that I was 38. He asked me how long the lame man waited to be healed at the Pool of Bethesda. I told Him that I thought he had waited 38 years. He then showed me a lame man leaping and dancing for joy and then He showed me dancing around like a calf that has been released from the stall, and I knew that I will dance for Him on this day. The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles is the most joyous day of all of the Feasts and there is ALOT of dancing that happens on that day. I then sat down and opened my Bible and it opened right to John 5 and my eyes fell right on the story of the man who was healed after 38 years. I could already feel a deep healing taking place in my heart and a new trust and faith in the voice of the Lord that I hadn't felt for almost 12 years.

For those who want to pursue this more deeply, that link above leads to several other links by Renee.

If what she says is correct, we will be out of here in just a few days! 

Halleluyah!  Come Lord Jesus!
