Honna (29 Sep 2012)
"Lora Shipley's post"


I remember Lora's post from last year.  It was very eye-opening and very exciting.  I went to the website and downloaded the audio and listened to it repeatedly.  Your study clearly is compatible with what God has shown me for many years, that there is a big change coming first, a restoration for Christians.  Even though terrible disasters and judgment are all around, we will be as when the Jews left Egypt with all the gold, not one sick among us.  I scour the internet looking for more Christians watching for this all important event and can find very little.  I am not a post-tribber and never scoff at rapture, I watch too. Sure, I want to get out of here too, but this event will be so awesome, you really don't want to miss it.  I encourage everyone to read her post.  You should go to her website and download the audio, its easier than just reading it as it is a bit lengthy.  It seems quite lonely feeling like you're the only one watching for this in a sea of rapture only watchers.  Please listen, read and consider what Lora is expounding here.   God is going to pull out all the stops and reveal secrets to us not known before.  We will walk with God in an intimacy we have not imagined.  This is while we are here on earth.  We will be prepared to do great exploits before a lost and dying world.  I am hoping this transition will happen before the end of the year and have great hope.  I would like to hear feedback from others on this.