Greg (28 Sep 2012)

Hi Clay,
I know this topic has been one of debate within the church.  I heard a saying recently: "To not be dogmatic is to not have strong conviction of what you believe."  Granted, we should always be willing to concede to the truth, but like Pontius Pilate said, "what's truth?"  It's interesting that Jesus did not say anything to this question, as the Truth was right in front of Pontius, and His response and action and reaction to such false things were testimony to the truth. Therefore we are either going to see the truth for what it is, or not; either we are going to humble ourselves and repent, or not.  There is no middle ground. (Matt. 12: 33).
In my honest opinion this passage of scripture is speaking of the church committing apostasy (forsaking the gospel truth and doctrine of Jesus Christ).  In Daniel 8: 23 it says, "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up."
It's interesting to note that the word "transgressors" in Hebrew is pasha, which means to break away from just authority; apostatize. In other words the Angel Gabriel was telling Daniel that in the latter times of their kingdom (I believe this kingdom refers to the U.S.A.), that when the transgressors have come to the full (I believe this refers to when the majority in Christendom at that time comes to the full in committing apostasy; the apostate church coming to completion), then a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall stand up (I believe this refers to BHO).
If this is true, that BHO is that king spoken of here in Daniel 8: 23, then the church has alreay come to the full in committing apostasy, and we are coming upon the very end of the Beginning of Sorrows, which segment began when BHO took seat in Jan. 20, 2009, and ends with "nation against nation..." (Mk. 13: 8), followed by the beginning of tribulation, with the opening of the first seal, the white horse, and its rider going forth conquering and to conquer (BHO?).
In light of what is being reported by those in alternative news sources of this planned agenda to crash the economy by the third week in October, causing the loss of many jobs and businesses (daily sacrifice), and would cause a nationwide rebellion ("by reason of transgression"), and there to be no November elections, so to keep BHO in power ("and power was given to him to continue 42 months"; Rev. 13: 5) is startling indeed, for this is confirmed in Dan. 8: 12! 
I realize the tendancy for us is to make scripture fit our preconceived thoughts of how things will unfold, to believe the church (faithful in Christ) will be caught up to Him before these things come to pass, so not to have to endure any persecution during this period of time is exciting to believe, but as I was recently convicted, I believe we are called to be witnesses against an disobedient and unbelieving world; the betrayal, trial, and death of Christ which was recorded for our example.
I also believe that it's through our obedience to His word of truth (doctrine of Christ), having truly repented from doing the sins of the flesh, which is evidence that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, Him living in us, and us in Him (Jn. 15), that we will only be able to endure such times coming ahead, as we will need His supernatural strength to endure. 
At this current time the scripture that speaks most profoundly to me is:
"Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong" (2 Cor. 12: 10).
"If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes" (Mark 9: 23).
In Christ,