Gerlinda (15 Sep 2012)
"1992 Olympic Games"

Doves,   So, we think this past Olympics held in the UK was full of Occult symbols, well take a look at this one held in Spain twenty years ago.  Back then, the honors were done by Spain and King Juan Carlos.  How many of us know that he holds the official title of "King of Jerusalem"?  The Royals of Europe have extended their blood-lines to the ruling families of America.  We do not think of them as Royals, merely men/women of the average class, just common folks like us but they do consider themselves far above the average person and are the "Illuminated Ones", don't you know?  You've heard how the presidents family trees all seem to lead back to the  Royals of Europe.   I bring all of this up to show that elections (should they even be held) will not change a thing, the Serpentine Lasso is encircling the world and pulling the noose very tightly.  They see their One World Order on the horizon just waiting for the Eagle to burn up so their Phoenix can come out of the ashes.  gerlinda
August 9, 1992, the Black Serpent Cult was flamboyantly displayed in the closing exercises at the Olympiad in Barcelona, Spain under the direction of King Juan Carlos.

Quoting from an American Information Newsletter: "The closing spectacle at the Olympic games this summer in Barcelone, Spain, was an exercise in demonic / pagan symbolism which ended with the mating of a Black Serpent and the Greek goddess of love and fertility, the multi-breasted Artemis who then gave birth to the "Great Dragon," the head of which rose 75 feet above the top of the stadium. The alleged them of the pageant was the birth of the world in fire and it was represented by "250 'happy'" devils.. Who began the 'festival of fire.' Giant wooden structures including two caped figures of Satan and grinning goat's head, were set a ablaze and constantly moved through the cavorting devils. A group of devils, one dressed in the robes of a kind, danced frenziedly around a fiery maypole.. Weird tones, underlaid with constant 'jungle' drumming, were sporadically joined by eerie wails, long sighs and howling." Occult symbols were everywhere. Well represented were the Baphomet (goat's head of witchcraft), the pentagram or "devil's star," the maypole, which is an ancient pagan phallic symbol, and demonic faces well endowed with horns. As expected, television network commentators were "awed" by the spectacle and competed with one another to compliment its "creativity." At times, the audience joined the celebration, swaying to the demonic music with arms outstretched to heaven." Charles Taylor and his wife watched it on television.

King Juan Carlos I was born in Rome, Italy January 5, 1938. He is a graduate of Spain's Military Academy, its Naval Academy and also of its Air Force Academy. He is highly qualified by land, sea and air as "King of Jerusalem, DEFENDER of Catholic Holy Land interests," and could well be seen as coming on the world scene as the biblical rider on "the white Horse" of Rev. 6:2 right after the Rapture of the Church as evidenced in Rev. 5:9

November 27, 1975, Los Angeles Herald and Examiner: MADRID, Spain (AP) Flanked by European royalty and three Common Market presidents, King Juan Carlos received his highest blessing of the Roman Catholic Church and the cheers of thousands of countrymen as Spain paid homage to its new leader. Vincente Cardinal Enrique Tarancon, the liberal archbishop of Madrid, celebrated Mass of the Holy Spirit.. This extraordinary even was the Coronation of the King. King Carlos kissed the Pope's ring. The King became an honorary citizen of Rome.

Here is the reason the Pope does not recognize any state of Israel. He has a secret agreement with Arabs who pledged that they would fight for the Roman Catholic Church if the Pope would agree to NEVER recognize any state of Israel. The Arab-Vatican agreement still stands.

King Juan Carlos made a strange statement in Argentine. Defending democracy, he stated: NEVER MUST ANY IDEA OF THE STATE OR ANY MESSIANIC DELIVERER COME TO WREST FROM US OUR DIGNITY AS FREE MEN"

On a visit from the President of Israel KIng Carlos wore a skull cap in a Synagogue in Madrid and was blessed by a rabbi in a Ceremony of Reconciliation. (The Antichrist King - Juan Carlos, by Charles R. Taylor, Today in Bible Prophecy, Inc.