Frank R Molver (27 Sep 2012)
"the vision unoticed"
Cox wrote the above link, it is faith encouraging with a beautiful heavenly picture of an angel
The letter mentions not ever seeing a vision and it made me think of something I heard as a youth
I am not saying everyone has this gift because he gave us many different ones.
I remember about 50 years ago my pastor telling me that God gives every man a dream or vision about Jesus.
Everyone has had an opportunity to experience God, God is fair.
So, I believe, though they had a vision or dream about God many disregarded it as not real
This is because the filters we have used through what we are taught and of society in general
These filters prevent us from considering the reality of the vision or dream and quickly discard it
God is usually subtle in his speech towards, so sometimes we really have to consider what has happened in our lives
As part of my training I had to spend a couple days in a rehab center and experience their therapeutic discussions.
One man said he was a Christian and experienced Jesus in dream during his rehab
Though he was excited when he told me this, he had a hint of doubt as he told me
I encouraged him that it was true, I gave him personal examples
So then we went to hear a minister speak to them
Unfortunately he took a very liberal view of scripture and did his best to destroy any spiritual experience
So the unbelief came through what society deems as a spiritual authority
Sound familiar?
Then again I had a nurse come tell me that I needed to talk to her patient
He was a designing engineer for a plane company
He had a cardiac arrest and was revived.
He was frightened because he said he saw hell during this time
He said he did not believe in God so he needed to talk to some one about it
I told him that what he saw was real, that I also had seen hell.
Sure enough some one told our all faith hospital minister, supposedly a Christian
She pretty much refuted what I relayed to him, she told him hell was only allegorical
The devil has many out there destroying peoples faith, especially those dressed in religious clothes
However, there is this unseen dimension of reality that God wants us to cultivate
We have to have an open mind and not let it be prejudiced by popular opinion
God does want to speak to us.
1 September, 2012/
I still prayed for the same and thanked God again,God showed a black woman's face with God's mighty Hands on her head,seemed like a painting of cubism.It puzzled us,so i asked God for the meaning,then God replied,"4 Dimension" Does it mean God's Kingdom is beyond what we can see coming upon soon?