Frank R Molver (14 Sep 2012)
"The quake felt round the world, Kevin's California 10.8, sketch"

There was a large quake in San Francisco felt in Seattle several years ago.
Seattle is about 1,000 miles from San Francisco.
It took down part of the giant Bay Bridge, fairly big quake.
Thinking about the 10.8 quake hitting California soon, the one that Kevin warns about.
How  far do you think that one will be felt?
It will be thousands of times stronger then the other one.
Nicole did a sketch that may show that and rapture happening at the same time
Benjamin mentions 4 large volcanoes going off with this huge quake, also seems to be in sketch.
Very prophetic I would say
Will it happen during Rosh Hoshannah?
Disaster and rapture at the same time?
5 September, 2012/
I prayed for almost the same and God's soon return,God showed the earth was covered with a hard surface that seemed to be a walnut,but this surface was splitting and the multitude of white light dots were springing up from the crack.I think this is rapture.
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