Donna Danna (21 Sep 2012)
"Vatican Suggests One All-Powerful Bank Run by One All-Powerful Global Entity"

Vatican Suggests One All-Powerful Bank Run by One All-Powerful Global Entity
With increasing fear among ordinary people about financial elites and their manipulation of money markets, the Vatican has decided to make matters worse by adding its own bizarre twist to the problem: It has proposed a supranational authority to manage a new global bank. Not only would financial power rest in the hands of a world body like the UN, but the Vatican would like all countries to cede some of their sovereign powers to it.
The pope’s financial mandarins were careful not to spell out in detail how each country would be required to transfer some of its powers to the world authority or which powers they had in mind. Nevertheless, they took a sideswipe at the International Monetary Fund, implying it could no longer fulfill the role of a global financial guide