Clay Cantrell (28 Sep 2012)
"More Notes on Four"

Readers -

In this post:

I mention the number Four and some of it's appearances, but there are
others for your files, should you keep them.

1) John's Gospel is Fourth. In John chapter Four the Lord says:

John 4:35
"Say not ye, There are yet FOUR months, and then cometh harvest?
behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for
they are white already to harvest."

2) Lazarus is in the grave for Four days. See John 11:17, 39.

Thus, Lazarus' resurrection occurs after Four days.

3) Emerald is the Fourth stone in the High Priest's Breastpiece. The
Fourth word in Genesis 1:1 has a value of 401, the only prime number.

4) In Revelation chapter Four John is caught up to the throne of God,
where he sees the following -

Revelation 4:3
"And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone:
and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an
Emerald."(Emerald = Fourth stone in the Breastpiece and New Jerusalem
foundation, the only stone in the same position on both). Emeralds are

5) In Revelation 6, the Four Horsemen are released. The Fourth
beast/Eagle (around the throne) ushers out the Fourth horse which is a
Pale Horse. That word "pale" is Chloros, (pale) Green, which has as
it's rider "Death". He is given power over a fourth of the earth.

6) The most explicit scriptures on the Resurrection of the Dead and
the Catching Away of the Living is found in 1 Thessalonians chapter
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

7) God divided the night from the day on the Fourth Day. see Genesis 1:18-19.

8) Exodus and the giving of the Law occurs after 430 years. see Galatians 3:17.

9) Strong's number for God (Elohim) is 430h.

10) All triangles numbers in the 400 series are:

28th = 406
29th = 435
30th = 465
31st = 496

Total of 406 + 435 + 465 + 496 = 2585

Strong's 2585 = Enoch. Enoch is "taken" by God, removing him from the
earth. see Genesis 5.

11) Jared lives 435 after his son Enoch is taken. 435 = the 29th
triangle number and Bible number 29 (supposedly) means Departure.