Clay Cantrell (28 Sep 2012)
"Four & The Emerald Green Escape"

Readers -

in this post:

I showed a diagram of the Tabernacle and Atrium layouts, and how they
aligned using the Candlestick (Menorah) as an alignment point.

If you look at the diagram you can see that I colored the vault
door/steps passage way out of the Atrium area "green". Below is some
of the material from the original dream posting that talks about it:

"When R was done, we found ourselves with X in front of the elevator
doors. Stoic X was to my right and he turned his gaze toward the
elevator doors and they suddenly opened! These were not ordinary
elevator doors, but were just like bank vault doors. Thick, heavy,
shiny  and metal. They slid apart to reveal a narrow passageway, much
narrower than I expected given the width of the elevator doors. It was
lit by a pale green light from above that had a few (grooved)
escalator-like steps that steeply ascended to a second set of doors
just like the first. Through those doors I then saw another short set
of steps that ascended to another set of doors. From my position I
could see three sets of doors and steps total. There were maybe more
doors and more steps further up, but I didn't see any. All of these
doors opened when the first set opened that we were standing in front
of and they slid apart with a loud metal sound, in quick succession,
one right after the other. Time was up, we were leaving and this was
the way out."

The passageway through the vault doors was bathed in an emerald green
light, coming from above.

This post discussed the Apostle John, Last Things and the number Four:

I bring three things to your attention -

1) Emerald was the Fourth stone of High Priest's Breastpiece. There
were four rows of three stones top to bottom in the Breastpiece. (This
stone is the tribe of Dan, valued at 54.)

Exodus 28:18
"And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond."

2) Emerald is the Fourth stone in the foundation of the New Jerusalem,
the City of God.

Revelation 21:19
"And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all
manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the
second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;"

Though not knowledgable about stone names in the Bible, which are
confusing - it appears that the only stone that is in the same
numbered position in both the Breastpiece and the New Jerusalem
foundation is the Fourth one, Emerald.

3) If the two layouts are superimposed upon each other, The Tabernacle
and the Atrium, then the vault escape doors are BEHIND the Ark of the
Covenant with the Mercy seat. The Holy of Holies was a type and shadow
of the real Throne room of God in Heaven.

That would match the description of the Korean teen in her vision of
the Entrance to the Kingdom, for the Saints, was in a door behind the
Throne that the Lord Jesus sat upon.

... if her vision is valid and accurate. It is worth reviewing for sure.

Jesus is Lord!