Clay Cantrell (27 Sep 2012)
"Korean Teen Vision: The Door Behind the Throne & December 1997"

Readers -

Leung posted this link:

in which is a link to a recorded vision of a young Korean teen. In the
vision she tells that she saw Heaven and Hell and other things.

It's a compelling account, and I would suggest you watch it. it's not very long.

One part of it interested me particularly, and she speaks about it at
the 5:00 minute mark.

She speaks of seeing a door behind the Throne in Heaven that the Lord
Jesus is sitting on. This really surprised me and brought back to
memory something I saw in December of 1997 that I don't believe I have
ever written about, due to it's nature. I have alluded to it in my
account on the Five Doves main site. What I saw is not in the Bible
anywhere and it is controversial and many will discount it. I've
puzzled over it for years wondering if I really understood it
correctly. Still, here it is ...these were my impressions.


First, read Daniel 7:22
"Until the Ancient of days came and judgment was given to the saints
of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the

This verse might match what the young teen saw.

In 12/97 I had a vision/dream (?) of the Throne of God, and the
Ancient of Days sat upon it, dressed in white, with hair like white
wool. At first I was in front of the Throne, then immediately my point
of view changed and I was looking at the left side of the Throne, with
God still sitting upon it.

There, behind the Throne, was a door, such as the young teen mentioned
- but my experience diverged from hers in what actually happened with
the door. The door I saw did not lead to anywhere, but was actually a
door to a closet-like area. The door opened and on the floor of the
"closet", behind the door was a treasure box, or treasure chest like
thing. Inside the Treasure box were clippings of white hair - The Hair
of the Ancient of Days as described in Daniel 7.

There was an angel kneeling at the open Treasure box and stealing
clippings of this hair. This was Lucifer, the enemy. This is
typologically a match to Judas Iscariot who steals (pilfers) money
from the money box behind Jesus' back, thinking that no one knows.

John 12:6
"Now he (Judas) said this, not because he was concerned about the
poor, but because he was a thief, and as he had the money box, he used
to pilfer what was put into it."

Then I "understood" that this hair of the Ancient of Days had certain
powerful properties in and of itself.

The power to create Life.

This is what Lucifer wanted, the power to create life, which he did
not possess. This is one of the "crimes" he committed. I'm not really
clear about it, but it's also possible that he clipped the hair
himself. I do know this, the hair of the Ancient of Days was OFF
LIMITS to to it's creative properties. It was stored in the treasure
box, behind the door for a reason - it was UNLAWFUL to have it!

The Lucifer went to earth and committed another terrible crime - that
of creating aberrant and UNLAWFUL life using the hair of the Ancient
of Days. This is where the dinosaurs came from. They were created
before Genesis 1:1, and their fossils were under the water the Spirit
of God is hovering over when the BIble opens. This is why the
dinosaurs are so horrific looking. Terrible Lizards. How this was
actually done I have no idea.

I understand that this seems to contradict John 1:3 -
"All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made
that was made."

...but it doesn't contradict the Bible if John 1:3 is meaning
everything AFTER the Beginning (Genesis 1:1).


Those were my "impressions", and I know they are theoretical, and
controversial. This material is not something to construe as
theological doctrine, church policy, Biblical teaching or any other
foundational part of Christian living.

They were my "impressions" from the December 1997 encounter.

I posted it now because the Korean teen mentioned a door behind the
Throne of God, and I have never encountered any other "Heaven"
testimony that included that detail, similar to what I saw. A door
behind the Throne of God. Perhaps we've come full circle.

Jesus is Lord, whether I understood what I saw or not.