Clay Cantrell (14 Sep 2012)
"Dream of the Two Girls in White"

Readers -

Early in the morning of September 11, 2012 I had the following short, but clear dream:

I saw and met in my dream, two girls I had known many many years ago when I was a teenager. I was good friends with them, and they were best friends, like two peas in a pod. I hadn't seen them since then except for a couple of times.

Here they were before me in my dream. They both looked young, much younger than they would be in real life.

The striking thing about the dream was that they were both dressed in stunning white from head to toe. Like other dreams I have had, this was a color statement dream. White was the predominant color. (remember my dream of the White Rooms.)

Our reunion was real sweet spirited - but we said nothing, I was surprised and happy to see them , and I gave each one a hug. The one on the right was smiling, the one on the left was somber, but I have no idea why.

Their clothes were stunningly white and crisp, and they also were "cool", in the sense that the girls felt like they had been in a air-conditioned room for two long. Their clones felt mildly cold.

The one on the right wore a cotton blouse, the one on the left wore a pique short-sleeved sweater with a string of pearls. They are both blonde. I believe they both wore white skirts.

I awoke.


go here for the White Rooms Dream