Carl Worline (27 Sep 2012)
"Three Sure Signs of the Last Days"


Hi Everybody,
As I have said before, there are so many signs out there that we are in the very last of the last days, that it has become almost impossible to see the road ahead of us.  Being a dyed-in-the-wool date-setter I was very disappointed that the rapture did not occur on Rosh Hashanah this year.  But I am certain that everything is unfolding exactly as God planned and God has everything under control.  I also believe that God gives us hints and clues about when the rapture will happen.  He certainly gave many clues about His plans for the First Coming of Christ in the Old Testament, even when it was imperative that Satan not know about His plan for the salvation of mankind through Jesus sacrifice.  Had Satan known, he would have done everything in his power to prevent the crucifixion.  If God would give us clues in scripture about Jesus first coming, then why would He not give us clues about His coming for us in the Rapture and the end of the Age of Grace?  We need to be extra diligent in our search of the scriptures and of world events to find these clues.
I must confess that there are days when I sometimes wonder in my weakness if it might just all be due to global warming and a long string of coincidences.  Then I remind myself that there are three signs out there that absolutely have to be God speaking to the people of the earth and cannot be anything else.  There are many signs, of course, but these three signs really speak to me:
First on my list are the mass die-off's of animals all over the planet.  Below is the web site for the list that I posted a few days ago.  The list has grown since then.  As I write this, there have been 335 events in 63 countries.  Each events represents the loss to this planet of a lot of life.  I go to every few days and read down the list for the past dozen or so events.  It fills my heart with sadness because I know that a lot of species will be extinct if this trend continues much longer.  I am also saddened because I know that this list is not complete.  I know of many events that did not make the list.
Second on my list are the unexplained sounds in nature that are being heard all over the world.  Something has to be producing them and I believe that they are definitely a warning.  God is definitely trying to get our attention.  Of course, some of these reports have been fake.  Satan obviously does not want us to listen and is doing everything in his power to discredit them.  The following web site is a list of some of these sounds and it identifies the ones we know are fake.  From January 1st of 2012 until June 11 of 2012 there are 82 reports listed.  This list is also not complete.  There have also been many more since June 11th.
The third sign on my list is that seven bodies of water have turned blood red.  The Yangtze Riven in China was the last of the seven.  Notice that it wasn't 6 bodies of water that turned blood red, and it wasn't 8 bodies of water either.  It was 7 bodies of water that became "as the blood of a dead man."  Now tell me, could anything be more of a Biblical sign than the waters turning blood red??? 
Some people have suggested a cause for a few of these events, and most of those guesses have been proven wrong.  Whether or not we ever figure out how God did it is irrelevant.  Was is relevant is that each single individual animal died, each sound happened, and each body of water turned blood red.
Other signs may speak to you.  These just happen to be the ones that really have me convinced that we are in the last days of the last days.
Maybe it will be Yom Kippur.  Maybe it will be Feast of Tabernacles.  Renee M certainly makes some an excellent argument, especially the 2 short Youtube videos that she mentioned.  In case you missed these videos I have included them below:

Of course, maybe the Mayans did have it right.  I hope not.  That would really be embarrassing as a watcher on the wall.
Carl Worline