Carl Worline (14 Sep 2012)
"A Major Sign of the Last Days"


Hi Everybody,
We all know that there have been a huge number of mass animal die-offs all over the planet during the last two years.  It all seemed to start around the 2nd of November in 2010, although it did not get a lot of media attention until a couple months later when 5,000 (plus) red-winged blackbirds and starlings mysteriously fell out of the sky a few minutes before midnight in Beebe, Arkansas.  The mainstream media reported on that and a dozen or so incidents afterward, heaping ridicule and anyone who would even suggest that it could have anything to do with the end times.  Then it was no longer newsworthy and ceased to be covered on the evening news or the daily newspapers.  Even the prophetic websites eventually stopped reporting them as well.
I know that mass animal die-offs continued to occur, and if anyone would have asked me, I would have told them that there have certainly been at least a couple dozen (and perhaps even more) in 2012 alone.  Then I stumbled on the website below and was shocked to see that as of September 10th there have been at least 317 separate incidents in 61 countries around the world in 2012.  Wow.
When you go to this website, look at the bottom of the page and there is a link to a page for mass animal die-offs for 2011.
Go to this website and scroll through it.  Then stop somewhere and read each line in order for awhile.  Read the events that happened over any 7 day period.  There are a lot of days on this list where 4, or 5, or even more incidents happened in different corners of our globe.  It really makes you think.  Each of these animals was a living thing.  How many fish are there in a ton?  In a hundred tons?  I am struck with a deep sense of sadness at this incredible loss.
Didn't God tell us that someday we would make Him so mad that the land and all of nature will mourn?  Didn't God tell us that someday we would make Him so angry that He would kill animals as a warning to mankind??  Wasn't this exactly what was supposed to happen in the last days? 

Hosea 4:3 ...'Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.'

Please take a look at this website and take the time to read some of the entries.  Take the time to ponder what happened.  I wonder if any of these animals new why their life was required of them to be forfeited??

God sent His angel of death to deliver a message to mankind.  It would seem that the novelty wore off quickly and we have stopped listening for many months now.  I fear that God's patience has now worn thin with mankind.  A few will be leaving soon.  The rest are about to feel His wrath.

Carl Worline