Bob Ware (28 Sep 2012)
"The very first word in the Bible tells us where to start counting our  last days"

The very first word in the Bible could be the key to know where to start counting our last days.
The gematria of the first word is 913 and this Hebrew word translates into 'In the beginning' > what more obvious starting point could we ask for?
9:13 A.M. is the first of the last 888 minutes in a day by inclusive counting. 888 is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS'.
9:13 A.M. is the 553rd minute of the day.
          553 + 888 equals: 1441
The 1441st inclusive day of the current 19-year Jewish calendar cycle was 9.11.2001.
Simple enough?
An added bonus: 14:41 on a 24-hour digital clock is the 881st minute of a day.
881 is: the 153rd prime number, the exact center of the 'Prime List', the last point of the 'Prime Cross' and the 43rd number within the 'Prime Cube'.
There are 7 Hebrew words in Genesis 1:1.
          881 + 7 equals: 888
The 14th prime number is 41. The sum of the first 4 prime numbers in the 14th row of the 'Prime List' is 2368. 2368 is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'.
Start counting our last days to the return of Jesus Christ from day number 1441 > 9.11.2001.