Arlene (21 Sep 2012)
"Mixing wool and linen together.....Law (works) vs. Grace"

Mixing linen and wool is forbidden by God in the OT....Deut.22:11 (just one of the scriptures).  This has been a mystery for a long time.  Today, I thought of wool (sheep) and linen (saints garb), and I understood what it refers to.  The meaning is spiritual for all of us:  Law vs Grace....we are not to mix the two together.

This person, Joman, is unknown to me, but I found the way he explained it to be perfect....some of the spelling may be imperfect, but the message is clear.....

Wool represents legalism.
It comes from out of flesh.
It engenders sweat which defines hard labor of man in the fields. (field=world)

Linen is from plants that do not produce by flesh nor work.
Linen represents grace.

God is very serious about legalism and grace.
They are never mixed in the kingdom of God.
There are no works of man allowed in the church.
For example.
Cain's sacrafice was rejected because he brought the fruit of his own labor.
Able's was accepted because he brought the specified sacrafice of flesh.

For, flesh must die.
Only the spirit shall live.

Another example...
The law states that No tool can touch the altar.
So, it can't be made by man's fleshly labor.
All that touches the altar of God belongs to God and can't be taken back.
And, all that is unholy that touches the altar of God must die.
The sweet smelling savor of the burnt offering is in it's proof that the flesh is dead.
