K.S. Rajan (28 Sep 2011)
"Report by John McTernan"

Posted: 09/25/11

Israel, Obama, and The Dow's Worst Week Since October 2008
The vast majority of the nations in the United Nations welcomed Abbas and supported his efforts for a Palestinian state. During last week, the US stock market and the world economy were tanking. There are dire predictions about a world economic meltdown next month! This is very similar to the economic situation at this time in 2008!
During late Summer of 2008, President Bush was pressing to create a Palestinian state and the US stock market and the world economy was melting down. It is crystal clear that God has timed the collapse of the stock market and world economy to the attempt to divide Israel and Jerusalem. The timing of these events show the authority of the Bible as God is about to destroy nations for touching Israel as He WARNS in His word. If the UN continues to come against Israel, next month could see a meltdown of the world economy!
Zechariah 12:1 The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. (2) Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
Dow's worst week since October 2008 09/23/11 "Despite Friday's relative calm on Wall Street, it was a brutal week for stocks, with investors losing faith in economies and political leaders around the world. The Dow Jones industrial average closed the week down 738 points, or 6.4%, its worst weekly performance since October 2008."
Stock Market Collapse of October 2008
The following is an excerpt from my book As America Has Done To Israel, which documents the economic meltdown of October 2008. To order my book go to: As America Has Done To Israel.
"The events of September make it one of the turning points in American and world history. The economic meltdown that starting in July 2007 hit full force in September and carried over into October. The economic collapse can only be compared to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Economic forces were unleashed that will affect the very survival of the United States.
On September 11, the US Consul General to Israel, Jake Walles was quoted in the Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayyam about the progress of the Annapolis plan. Walles stated that Israel agreed to give the Palestinians control of East Jerusalem. He also said that Secretary of State Rice's recent visits to Israel were about dividing Jerusalem.
The US State Department quickly denied Walles statement and said the negotiations should be kept private. It is obvious that Walles was telling the truth and the State Department was trying to keep a lid on dividing Jerusalem until the deal was completed. On September 14, the Jerusalem Post reported that Prime Minister Olmert offered the Palestinians 98.1 percent of the West Bank. He also offered them East Jerusalem. Olmert was quoted as saying, "The vision of greater Israel no longer exists. Those who speak of it are delusional."
On September 11, Hurricane Ike was heading directly toward Texas and the Wall Street bank, Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. was collapsing. Hurricane Ike was extremely large and powerful. It was 600 miles in diameter and had a massive 20 foot storm surge. Late on September 12, Ike stuck and damaged almost the entire Texas coast and parts of Louisiana. The hurricane hit Texas as a Category 3 just east of Galveston and nearly destroyed the entire city. The eye traveled north toward Houston. Most homes in the Houston area lost power in the state's worst power disruption in history. The entire city was shut down for days. The damage inflicted by this storm ranged in estimates from $27 to $52 billion making it one of the most destructive in history.
During September 13 and 14, negotiations to save Lehman Brothers bank failed, and it went into bankruptcy. This was the greatest bank failure in United States history at $613 billion. This failure shocked the economic system and set off a credit crisis throughout the economy. The crisis was a heart attack to the entire economic system and the stock market immediately began to meltdown.
During the following two weeks, the stock market went into wild swings with it falling in huge numbers and then rising by huge numbers. This became the worst stock market crisis since the crash of 1929. To calm the people's fears, the President called for a $700 billion taxpayer bailout of the banks and stock market.
To promote this bailout, on September 25, the President invited the two presidential candidates along with congressional leaders to the White House to discuss the economic crisis. This meeting took place at 4:00 PM. Just three hours prior to this meeting, the President met with Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority to discuss the progress of the Annapolis Conference! At the height of the economic turmoil, the President met with Abbas over dividing Jerusalem!
On September 29, the great stock market meltdown of 777 points took place. This day was also the biblical feast of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. This 777 point fall was the greatest and shook the US market to its core. The next biblical holiday Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement took place 10 days later. The 10 days between the two holidays are called the "Days of Awe."
During the "Days of Awe," the world markets began to collapse until on Yom Kippur, October 9, the market fell 679 points. During these holidays and the "Days of Awe," the market lost 2,400 points for a 22% loss! The greatest sell off since the crash of October 1929. On October 9, 2007, the stock market reached its all time high of 14, 164. Exactly one year later, the market had lost $8.1 trillion and some of the largest banks in the country had disappeared.
The last biblical holiday is called Tabernacles which this year fell on October 15. On this day, the stock market again crashed falling 737 points for the second greatest one day fall. On these three biblical holidays, the market fell a total of 2193 points!
The crash on Rosh Hashanah that shook America turned into a world collapse on Yom Kippur. On Yom Kippur, the leaders of the West called for international action to stop the crash as markets and banks were collapsing world-wide. To stop the collapse, nations nationalized their banks in an attempt to halt a complete economic meltdown. This meltdown changed the face of world economics almost overnight."
Israel and the Middle East War
Palestinian leader rejects intl peace blueprint 09/24/11 It appears that the Palestinians want to make the UN created the state! There is intrigue going on with bluffing and disinformation flowing so it is hard to tell what is happening, but there is no doubt in mind that all this diplomacy is going to focus on dividing Jerusalem. I will follow this as it plays out day by day. This is amazing to watch in light of Biblical prophecy. The fate of entire nations are hanging in balance as God is ready to execute judgment!
Lieberman warns of 'tough' Israeli reaction if UN approves Palestinian statehood 09/25/11
Israeli Economy Likely to Expand 4.8 Percent This Year, IMF Says 09/20/11
Refugees will not be citizens of new state 09/15/11 The Palestinian refugees are just pawns in this power play to destroy Israel.
Spain recognizes Israel as Jewish homeland, for first time 09/25/11
Psalm 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. (8) Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. (9) Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
(10) Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
(11) Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
(12) Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him