Bob Ware (1 Sep 2011)
"'ABADDON' + 'APOLLYON' yield both 1111 and 1111 + 888 (JESUS)"

Rev 9:11 > 'ABADDON' and 'APOLLYON'
        ASCII code sum for 'ABADDON' = 489
        ASCII code sum for 'APOLLYON' = 622
                489 + 622 = 1111
Prime number 'Title Case' gematrias:
        'Abaddon' = 763
        'Apollyon' = 1236
                763 + 1236 = 1999 > the first blue stone number in the center row of the 'GN 1:1 Pyramid'.
                        1999 - 1111 = 888 the Greek gematria of 'JESUS'.
'lowercase' ASCII code sum for 'abaddon' = 713 > the prime number gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'.
English gematrias:
        'ABADDON' = 122
        'APOLLYON' = 1001
                122 + 101 = 1123
The three composite number gematrias for 'WORMWOOD' (204) + 'Wormwood' (442) + 'wormwood' (476) = 1122.
I have some new really strong pointers for the two concurrent dates on Earth: 11.22.11 and 11.23.11.
The Greek gematria of 'Apollyon' is 1461 > the number of days in 4 Gregorian years > one Presidential term.
        The sum of the 3 prime numbers in the horizontal center bar of the 'Prime Cross': 113 + 467 + 881 = 1461
                As the 43rd different president Obama's name falls next to 881 (the 43rd prime number within the 'Prime Cube').
'ABADDON' gematrias:
        Hebrew = 63
        Greek = 862
                63 + 862 = 925
                        925 + 1461 = 2 x 1193 (the 4th prime in row 14).
                        The sum of these first 4 primes in row 14 is 2368 (the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST').
911 + 862 + 1461 = 2 x 1617 > the sum of the ASCII codes for 'George Walker Bush'. The 234th day in office for Bush was 9.11.2001.
The day I saw the three Chinooks was the 234th inclusive day from the last day of 2011. The third word in GN 1:1 is 'God' with a gematria of 86. 86 days after I saw the three Chinooks was 8.6 > the day the Chinook was shot down in Afghanistan.
8.6.2011 + another 86 days will be 10.31.2011 when the population of Earth has reached 7 billion and the Earth passes through the tail of Elenin.