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"And another Angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voiceto him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap:for the time is come for thee to reap; for the Harvest of the earth is ripe."Revelation 14:15![]()
On 10/19/2024 Dear Saint Monica sent me the above video and pics of a BIBLE stuck on a polein the aftermath of the Helene NC Flood. You can see when they came upon this BIBLE it was opento the exact page with the header on top Revelation 14,15. You can see above in the text of theexact corresponding chapter/verse Revelation 14:15 it has the perfecttypology wording in it about the prophesied END TIME Rapture/Resurrectionof GOD's Saints. Other Bible verses speaking about this END TIME Harvest areMatthew 13:39, Mark 4:29, and JOHN 4:35 has a particularly significant prophetic connection here,being the second to last place in the Bible Harvest appears, with Revelation 14:15 being the last.JOHN 4:35 says > ‘There are still Four Months and then comes the Harvest’?"^^^^^^^^^^^^^ More on JOHN 4:35 belowThis could easily be seen as prophetic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^from 2024 when this Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^BIBLE has come to light, pointing us Four Years forward to 2028 !!!!And here are more confirmations pointing us prophetically to 2028 .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start book of "the Harvest of the earth is ripe."REVELATION Revelation 14:15 ^^^^^^^^^^!..........................exactly 122X2 vs to...................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PSALM 122:2 is the last vs in Bible with a 2028 gematria ct.And from PSALM 65:9 vs # 930 of PSALMS its exactly1222 verses to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PSALM 122:2 revealing prophetically 9/30/2028 !!^^^^^^^And PSALM 122:2 is in chapter 600 of the Bible.And Genesis 7:6 tells us NOAH was age 600 at the time of the Great Flood.How amazing this Prophetic BIBLE synced to chapter 600 is found after a Flood !!And after Genesis 7 there are 1182 chapters remaining in the Bible.And Revelation 15 is chapter 1182 of the Bible, which is one of the Bible chaptersRevelation 14,15 this BIBLE is Prophetically opened to !!And Revelation 15 is the only chapter in the Bible where the book verse numbers of the chapter250 thru 257 add up to 2028Last vs of chapter REVELATION 15:8A=1,B=2 etc > Day of Atonement = 158:Day of Atonement is 9/30/2028 in this yr..................................................................................................................................................................................The date of 10/19/2024 Monica sent me these Prophetic Sign BIBLE pics also has its ownunique BIBLE prophetic connections with confirming Prophetic Signs in the following ways...Prophetic Sign Prophetic SignThe worst single day in the BIBLE opened to Start Date End DateHistory of the Stock Market Revelation 14,15 Great Greatknown as BLACK MONDAY found Helene Flood Tribulation Tribulation10/19/1987 10/19/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!......................................37 yrs to.....!............6 months......!........1260 Days.....!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !Total Solar Eclipse ^^^^^^^^^^ !passed over USA on ^^^^^^^^^^ !4/8/2024 ^^^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025!.............................376 days .................!And its the exact 37.6 latitude line that passes thru theexact X marks the spot, where the2017 and 2024 Total Solar Eclipses crossed pathsin Southern Illinois !!Prophetic BIBLE page opened ^^^^^^^^^to Revelation 14+15 has in these ^^^^^^^^^ chapters exactly28 total verses in them leaving 376 verses remaining in the book of Revelation.And earlier this year we had the Prophetic Sign of HURRICANE BERYL come up thru the28th State TX and pass over the exact X marks the spot in Southern Illinois, where the2017 and 2024 Total Eclipses crossed paths, with the actualword BERYL appearing in verse 376 book of Revelation 21:20. See full article.So we are witnessing here FIVE Confirmations, with Prophetic Signs, of the timeline from4/8/2024 Total Solar Eclipse > 376 days to 4/19/2025 Start dateGreat TribulationGOD ALMIGHTY is clearly speaking with MANY Prophetic Signs, but who is listening?..................................................................................................................................................
^^^^^^^ Sign Prophetic SignThe worst single day in the Stage 2 Fall of Babylon Start Date End DateHistory of the Stock Market S&P500 Falls to 666 Great Greatknown as BLACK MONDAY Lowest Low of this century Tribulation Tribulation10/19/1987 3/6/2009 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!....................7809 days................!.........5888........days ......!........1260 Days.....!JOSHUA 2:18 has a 7809 gematria ct and is vs#5888 of the Bible. See more aboutStage 2 Fall of Babylon Prophecy in Dumitru Duduman prophetic revelations article.See our Hurricane Helene articles that triggered the NC Floods that produced thisamazing BIBLE Prophetic Sign > < HURRICANE HELENE = Prophetic Sign synced to Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 <Stage 2 Fall of Babylon Prophecy is synced to Revelation 14:8 where the prophetic phrase
"Babylon is Fallen is Fallen" is seen for 2nd the time in the Bible.The verse numbers of Revelation 14 when added equal >> 230+231+232+233+234+235+236+237+238+239+> 240+241+242+243+244+245+246+247+248+249 = 4790"They went from Mithkah and camped at Hashmonah."Numbers 33:29 has a gematria count of 1222.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In reverse standard gematria > Hashmonah = 2028.And as we saw above PSALM 122:2 which numerically synced to theProphetic BIBLE Revelation 14:15 is where 9/30/2028 is encoded in the Bible !!And in Strong's Hebrew concordance Hashmonah is # 2832.Amazingly SUPERBOWL 51 that was played at NRG STADIUM TX, when you simplymultiply its latitude X longitude coordinatesyou get > 29.684 x 95.410 = 2832.And SUPERBOWLS 51 X 58 = = = = 930+2028 are synced together as the onlytwo SUPERBOWLS to go into Sudden Death overtime !! See latestSUPERBOWLS 51 and 58 article > Genesis verses+Superbowls 51X58 many syncs to Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028................................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...John 4:35 and Revelation 14:15 are the last two placesin the Bible with word Harvest and Harvest appearing in text. As noted, this wordHarvest has KEY prophetic connections with the END TIME Rapture/Resurrection.And 1st Corinthians 15:52 is one of the most significant verses in the Biblespeaking directly about the END TIME Rapture/Resurrection.
"And another Angel cameout of the temple,"Do you not say, ‘There are still >< in a moment, in the twinkling of >< crying with a loud voiceFour Months and then comes >< an eye, at the Last Trumpet. >< to him that sat on the cloud,the Harvest’? Behold, I say >< For the Trumpet will sound, >< Thrust in thy sickle, and reap:to you, lift up your eyes and >< will sound, and the dead >< for the time is comelook at the fields, for they are >< will be raised incorruptible, >< for thee to reap; for thealready white for Harvest! >< and we shall be changed." >< Harvest of the earth is ripe
John 4:35 >< 1st Corinthians 15:52 Revelation 14:15!..........................2579 vs to.......................!..........................2171 vs to......................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^2579 = 408 + 2171^^^^^^From ACTS 9:30 >>>>>>its 408 vs to <<<<<<<<<< ACTS 20:28^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^See more about above chart in prior articles.ACTS is the last book of the Bible with a vs #666.ACTS 19:4And ACTS is the last book in the Bible ^^^^!^^^^with a chapter/vs configuration of ACTS 9:30 >>>>>>>>>!<<<<<<<<<< ACTS 20:28Vs # 27148 of Bible !.....7x7x7 vs.......!.........65 vs...............!ACTS 7:31 ACTS 9:30 ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ !...........9x11 vs.......! ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ On 9/11/2001 7x7x7 Firefighters DIED that fateful prophetic day !!^^^^^^^^^ On 9/11/2001 Flight number 175 all 65 onboard DIED !!Stage 2 Fall of Babylon S&P500 Falls to 666 lowest low of this century.From 3/6/2009 its 7148 days to >>>>>>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3/6/2009 was day of year >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 65 ..............................................................................................................................................ACTS 7:31 is verse number 224 of ACTS.ACTS 9:30 is verse number 323 of ACTS.ACTS 19:4 is verse number 666 of ACTS.ACTS 20:28 is is verse number 731 of ACTS.Total > 1944 <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End Date ONE YEARBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs , Joel ^^^^^^^^^^^ Day of the LordBook # of Bible >> 9 , 30 , 20 , 29 <<< ^^^^^^^^^^^ <<<<< 9/30/2029
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 73 = 1944 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.....................................................................................................................................................The odds are over 100 Quadrillion to one, that's 100,000,000,000,000,000 to 1 , this combinationof ACTS verses, could so perfectly be reflecting all 3 Stages of Fall of Babylon Prophecy +precise event details of 9/11 + the ONE YEAR Day of the Lord ending 9/30/2029 !!!!...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Yet another amazing revelation that comes to light from this Prophetic BIBLEopened to Revelation 14+15, comes to light the following way.^^^^ ^^^^These are Bible # chapters 1181+1182 = 2363^^^^^^^^In Strong's greek concordance Thyatira is # 2363 and it is the 4th namedChurch in Revelation 1:11. And the name Thyatira appears 4 times in the Bible.Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic BIBLE Opened ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^to Revelation 14+15, survives Thyatira appearsHelene Floods of 2024 >< for the 4th andStart Book of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ last time in Bible here.Revelation ^^^^ Rev 1:20 ^^^^ Revelation 2:24!...................20 vs.........!........24 vs...............!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^This perfectly ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^prophetically points us from 2024 >>>>>>>>>>>> 4 YEARS to >>> 2028 .Properties of the number 2363 ^^^^^^^^^^^Thyatira is # 2363 in Strong's and in ^^^End of^^^math the sum of divisors of 2363 equal 2520. ^^^the Age^^^2520 = 5x7x8x9. ^^^Harvest^^^And Jewish Year 5789 begins Sept/2028.................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom,but the tares are the sons of the wicked one.The enemy who sowed them is the devil,the Harvest is the End of the Age, and the reapers are the Angels."Matthew 13:38-39^^^^^^^^^^Matthew begins chapter 930 of Bible.Matthew ends chapter 957+vs 1071 = 2028 .Matthew beginning to End reveals the prophetic date 9/30/2028.Last vs of Matthew > "Lo, I will be with you alwayseven to The End of the Age."Matthew 28:20."the Harvest of the earth is ripe."Revelation 14:15...................................................................................................................................................The 9th vs the word Harvest appears in the Bible is Leviticus 23:22 vs 3425 of Bible.The 30th vs the word Harvest appears in the Bible is Isaiah 16:9 vs 17979 of Bible.The 20th vs the word Harvest appears in the Bible is Samuel 21:9 vs 8590 of Bible.The 28th vs the word Harvest appears in the Bible is Proverbs 26:1 vs 17143 of Bible.Total > 4713 7 <2nd Corinthians is Book 47 ^^^^^^^of the Bible whose New Testament chapter numbers ^^^^^^^150 thru 162 added = 2028 . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^in the Bible there are 13 Books ^^^^^with a 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a 9:30><20:28chapter/verse configuration, chapter/verse configuration,Start Date End DateGreat Tribulation Great Tribulation4/19/2025 9/30/2028!....................1260 Days..............!
Total > 4713 7 minus 16092 equals 31045.^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^PSALM 122:2 is vs # 16092 31045 vs # of Bible is Revelation 20:6.of Bible which we saw above is a KEY vs that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^syncs to 9/30/2028. "Blessed and Holy is he who has^^^^^^^^^^^^ "the Harvest of >< part in the First Resurrection.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >< reign with him 1000 years.Start book of ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the earth is ripe." >< Over such the Second Death has noREVELATION ^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 14:15 >< power, but they shall be priests of!..............exactly 122X2 vs to.................! >< GOD and of his CHRIST, and shall^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The END TIME Harvest is the First Resurrection.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic Sign from GOD ALMIGHTY Revelation 14:15speaking with that "still small voice"![]()
"Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, theLord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke therocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the firea still small voice...... 1st Kings 19:10-12.
...................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS....Comments welcome to Stephen