"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
and the glory of kings is to search out that matter."Proverbs 25:2More articles at > https://www.jesus2ndcoming2028.com/ <
This article documents some NEVER before seen ways the Great Tribulation start/stop datesare encoded in the Bible > > 4/19/2025 >>> 1260 Days >>> 9/30/2028 < withaccompanying confirming Prophetic Signs of SUPERBOWLS 51x58 = 930+2028^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 109 = 51+58 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^4/19/2025 is the 109th day of year. ^^^^^^^^^^^^Only two SUPERBOWLS to go into Sudden Death ^^^^^^^^^^^^^overtime 51and58. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^"Thus saith the Lord of hosts; The broad walls of Babylon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall ^^^^^^^^^^^^^be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, This is a perfectand the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary." numerical reflection of theJeremiah 51:58 7th Angel sounding theis the only place in the Bible with this 7th and Last Trumpetchapter/vs combo Revelation 11:15Jeremiah 51:41 ^^^^^^^^ Jeremiah 52:12 in Jewish Yr 5789Verse #'s of Bible > 20254 + 20271 + 20289 = 60814 >>> 757879April/2025 > 1260 Days > Sept/2028 is where Jewish Year 5789 begins.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Exactly 7 books of the Bible have a chapter and verse combo of 9:30 and 20:28.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
From > Judges 9:30 > its 298 vs to >>>>> Judges 20:28From > 2nd Chronicles 9:30 > its 221 vs to 2nd Chronicles 20:28From > Job 9:30 > its 273 vs to >>>>>>>> Job 20:28From > Matthew 9:30 > its 411 vs to >>>> Matthew 20:28From > Luke 9:30 > its 476 vs to >>>>>>> Luke 20:28From > John 9:30 > its 425 vs to >>>>>>> John 20:28From > Acts 9:30 > its 408 vs to >>>>>>> Acts 20:28.....................................................................^^^^^^^^^^ https://www.newjerusalem.org/Gen.9?from=Search(Gen.9.15)#15Here are further revelations with these ^^^^^^^^^^ https://www.newjerusalem.org/Gen.11?from=Search(Gen.11.6)#6chapter verse configurations, ^^^^^^^^^^ https://www.newjerusalem.org/Gen.17?from=Search(Gen.17.13)#13Corresponding with the above numbers. ^^^^^^^^^^ https://www.newjerusalem.org/Gen.19?from=Search(Gen.19.18)#18These never before seen revelations were ^^^^^^^^^^ https://www.newjerusalem.org/Gen.17?from=Search(Gen.17.27)#27discovered first time ever on 10/13/2024. ^^^^^^^^^^ https://www.newjerusalem.org/Gen.17?from=Search(Gen.17.27)#27Genesis 11:31 is vs # 298 of Bible with a 7840 gematria ct.Genesis 9:15 is vs # 221 of Bible with a 5142 gematria ct.Genesis 11:6 is vs # 273 of Bible with a 4607 gematria ct.Genesis 17:13 is vs # 411 of Bible with a 3829 gematria ct.Genesis 19:18 is vs # 476 of Bible with a 525 gematria ct.Genesis 17:27 is vs # 425 of Bible with a 3353 gematria ct.Genesis 17:10 is vs # 408 of Bible with a 3739 gematria ct.total > 2512 < Total > 29634 <66 X 449 = 29634In math 449 is the 87th prime #.In the Bible Revelation is book # 66 and Revelation 8:7 says...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"The first angel sounded:(Trumpet ) And hail and fire followed,mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth.
And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up."^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 8:7In the spiritual realm the first Trumpet will be soundingat the start of the Great Tribulation.4:19/2025.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Revelation 8:7 is vs # 137 of book.137 + 137 = 274in the Bible there are 13 Books Day of YR 274in2028with a 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a 9:30><20:28chapter/verse configuration, chapter/verse configuration,Start Date End DateStart Book of Great Tribulation Great TribulationRevelation 109th day of year will be > 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.............109 vs...................! !....................1260 Days..............!Revelation 5:7 vs 89 Rev 6:13 Revelation 8:7 = = = = = = = = 9+30+20+28book of Revelation !.....20 vs....!......28 vs....! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028Jewish Year 5789 Begins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sept/2028^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ https://www.newjerusalem.org/29634?from=Search(29634)66 X 449 = 29634https://www.newjerusalem.org/449?from=Search(449) In math 449 is the 87th prime #.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^The only 449 chapter vs config in the Vs # 29634 of Bible is 1st Thess 5:12.New Testament is... "And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those"The nobleman said to Him, who labor among you, and are over you“Sir, come down before my child dies!” in the Lord and admonish you,"JOHN 4:49 1st Thess 5:12.!.....................................3428 vs to............................!EXODUS 14:21 with a gemtria ct of 3428 is^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ prophetic phrase^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Great GreatExodus 12:18 Exodus 14:21 NUMBERS 7:85.where GOD parts the Red Sea, Tribulation Tribulationwhich is the prophetic typology event in txt of vs in txt of vssynced to Start of Great Tribulation REV 2:22 REV 7:14NISAN 21 the date in history !..............85 vs........!NISAN 21 is in GOD parted the Red Sea, This is the only Bible chapterthe text of recorded in text here #7 with vs # 85 in it.!....................4X19 vs...!.......2025 vs to..................!The date 4/19/2025 is NISAN 21 on the ^^^^^^^^^^Jewish Calendar in this year, Start of the Great Tribulation !!more details of above chart in prior articles >And Pearl Harbor article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2024/stevew324.htmEXODUS 14:21 with its gematria ct of 3428 also prophetically synchronizes withSUPERBOWL 51 FINAL SCORE 3428 which then prophetically synchronizes withSUPER BOWL 58 as the only two SUPERBOWLS to go intoSudden Death overtime !!See prior article how SUPERBOWLS 51x58 are Prophetic Warning Signs of theComing Great Tribulation > 51x58 = 930+2028And see prior article how SUPERBOWLS 51x58 are also prophetically synced toStage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy coming 9/30/2028, by way of theDumitru Duduman prophetic revelations >https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jun2024/stevew630.htmMercole Hardman wearing jersey # 12 scored the winning touchdownto give the Kansas City Chiefs 25 points in Sudden Death overtime SB 58 .Exactly 7 books of the Bible have a chapter and verse combo of 9:30 and 20:28.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
From > Judges 9:30 > its 298 vs to >>>>> Judges 20:28From > 2nd Chronicles 9:30 > its 221 vs to 2nd Chronicles 20:28From > Job 9:30 > its 273 vs to >>>>>>>> Job 20:28From > Matthew 9:30 > its 411 vs to >>>> Matthew 20:28From > Luke 9:30 > its 476 vs to >>>>>>> Luke 20:28From > John 9:30 > its 425 vs to >>>>>>> John 20:28From > Acts 9:30 > its 408 vs to >>>>>>> Acts 20:28total > 2512 <.....................................................................................................................................JAMES WHITE scored the winning touchdown in Sudden Death overtime SUPERBOWL 51.JAMES WHITE set a SUPERBOWL record scoring 20 pts himself that still stands today.And with JAMES WHITE wearing Jersey 28 this points usprophetically right to the year 2028 !!^^^^^^^^^And with Mercole Hardman wearing jersey # 12 from SUPERBOWL 58 ,and JAMES WHITE wearing Jersey 28 from SUPERBOWL 51,on a clock the 1228th minute of the dayis the the 20th hr 28th minute of the day !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^And in the Bible Genesis 41:32 verse number 1228 says the following...^^^^^^^^^^See prophetic testimony about this verse> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
"And the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thingis established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass."Genesis 41:32Genesis 41:32 is the only vs in the entire bible having both words "repeat twice" in it !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Then in that same chapter just 6 verses away is Genesis 41:26.Notice both SUPERBOWLS 51x58 were decided by6 point touchdowns in Sudden Death overtime.
"The 7 good cows are 7years, and the 7 good
heads are 7 years; the dreams are one."Genesis 41:26Genesis 41 is the famous 7 fat COWS, 7 thin COWS DREAM chapter, whichGematria Calculator - 777codes 7X7X7X7 = 2401in standard gematria > Sabbath Day+Day of Atonement = 2401^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<^^^^^^^^^Genesis 41:26 is vs # 1222 of the Bible with a 4422 gematria ct. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This number combo ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028^^^^^^^ has amazing ^^^^^^^ will be a rare combo of^^^^^^^ prophetic connections in ^^^^^^^ Sabbath Day+^^^^^^ the book of PSALMS and ^^^^^^^ Day of AtonementHe turned the ^^^^^^ the book of REVELATION ^^^^^^^ on Jewish Calendar(Red) Sea ^^^^^^ in the following ways. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^into dry land; They ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Our feet havewent through the ^^^^^^ They did not keep the ^^^^^^^ been standingriver on foot.There ^^^^^^ covenant of God; They ^^^^^^^ Within your gates,we will rejoice in Him. ^^^^^^ refused to walk in His law," ^^^^^^^ O Jerusalem!PSALM 66:6 ^^^^^^ PSALM 78:10 ^^^^^^^ PSALM 122:2!.....................122X2 vs............................!........................44X22 vs....................!
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^>>>>>>>prophetic parallel<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<^^^^^^^PSALM 66:6 is Last vs in Bible with gematria ct 2028 is PSALM 122:2KEY vs in the Bible From PSALM 65:9 vs 930 PSALMS its 1222synced to verses to PSALM 122:2.Start Date ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End DateGreat ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GreatTribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation4/19/2025 9/30/2028!..................................................1260 days.......................!See Pearl Harbor article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 15:8 is vs # 257 of Book> https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2024/stevew324.htm < and last vs of Revelation 15. And this is
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the only chapter in the Bible where the^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ book verse numbers of the chapterStart of the PSALM 78:10 250 thru 257 add up to 2028New Testament ^^^^^^^ REVELATION 15:8!.....................................................7810 vs to........................! ^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Day of Atonement = 158Day of Atonement is 9/30/2028 in this yr.Great Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^Start book of in text of vs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Revelation Revelation 7:14 REVELATION 15:8!.............127 vs.............!............................130 vs.................................!prophetic parallel ^^^^^ prophetic parallelFirst two times Great Tribulation ^^^^^ Great Tibulationtimeline of > 1260 days ^^^^^ 1260 daysseen in text in Bible > Daniel 7:25 ^^^^^ Daniel 12:7!............................130 vs..............................!Start of the 9/30/2028New Testament REVELATION 15:8!.....................5785+2025 vs to....................................................!Start Year https://www.newjerusalem.org/410?from=Search(410) End DateGreat Tribulation Great TribulationOn the Jewish Calendar On the Jewish CalendarStart of 5785 begins Day of AtonementSunset Rosh Hashanah begins 10th day of New Jewish year 578910/2/2024 >>> Jewish Calendar 4 yrs 10 days >> 9/30/2028In standard gematria > Christ = 410 . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PSALM 56:3 is the only verse # with 410 gematria ct in the entire Bible !^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^From PSALM 56:3 its 111 vs to PSALM 65:9 vs# 930 PSALMS >> then >> 1222^^^^^ verses to last vs with 2028 gematria ct PSALM 122:2Genesis 5:5 verse # 111 of Bible ADAM age 930 dies. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PSALM 56:3 is verse number 14759 of Bible. >> 7 Bible books have a chapter/vs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ config of 9:30><20:28 in them.From 10/2/2024 >>>>>> its exactly 1459 days to >>>>>> 9/30/2028...................................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^“They shall be Mine,” says the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Lord of hosts, “On the day Start of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^that I make them My jewels. New Testament ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start And as a man spares his End of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^book of own son who serves him." Old Testament Day of Atonement = 158Malachi Malachi 3:17 Malachi 4:6 REVELATION 15:8!.........20+28 vs..........!...........7 vs.........!........5785+2025 vs............!! !.......................5789+2028 vs........................!! 7 books of the Bible have a 9:30><20:28 chapter/vs!..............................55 vs...........................! config in them 9/30/2028.Genesis 5:5 in text ADAM dies age >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 930.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Notice in Malachi 3:17 the language of the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^verse is perfect symbolic typology of the END TIME >>>>>>>>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Rapture Resurrection of GOD's Saints..........................................................................................................................................Start DateGreat Tribulation4/19/202513 books of the Bible have a 4:19><20:25 chapter/vs config.These 13 chapters numbers of Bible add to 5785.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^Starts at End At ^^^^^^^JOB 3 JOB 15 ^^^^^^439+440+441+442+443+444+445+ ^^^^^^^446+447+448+449+450+451 = 5785.^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc < April Nineteen+ ^^^^^Two Thousand Twenty Five = 451 = 41 x 11 End Date^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation4/19/2025 >>>>>>>> 41 months 11 days >>>> 9/30/2028.!.......................same as 1260 days..........................!^^^^^From JOB 15 chapter 451 its 666+66+6 chapters to the end of Bible !!!In standard gematria > 666+66+6 = Mark of the BeastAs seen above PSALM 66:6 is a KEYverse synced to 4/19/2025................................................................................^^^^^^^..................................................The first 6 verse #'s of JOB 15, of the book, ^^^^^^^are 335+336+337+338+339+340 = 2025.And from JOB 15:6 its exactly 57+85 verses to JOB 20:25.Again, Jewish Year 5785 covers most of 2025 calendar year.............................................................................................................................................A final series of amazing revelations for this article....^^^^^^^^^^^^^Lo and Behold... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^See prior David Jordan article ^^^^^^^^^^^^David Jordan has documented ^^^^^^^^^^^much evidence ^^^^^^^^^^A major END TIME Another major END TIME ^^^^^^^^^^^Antichrist typology><Antichrist typology player is ^^^^^^^^^^player Vladislav ^^^^^^^^^^Barack Yuryevich ^^^^^^^^^Obama Surkov End Datewas born was born Great Tribulation8/4/1961 9/21/1964 9/30/2028!...............1144 days.........!.........23385 days..................!^^^^^ ^^^^^^1144 divided by 23385 = .04892024^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Notice the equation amazingly reveals its exactly 48 months >><< Sept/2028from 9/2024 to 9/2028^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^David Eibeck sent me an email back on 9/29/2024 documentingthe 48 verses the name Satanappears in the Bible. I then forwarded that email to David Jordan same day.
That same email had this Bible revelation in it also discovered same day.
"They had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails.Their power was to hurt men five months."REVELATION 9:10 five months = 153 days in the fall months.
From 9/30/2024 was exactly 48 months to 9/30/2028 .
And since Satan appears in a 14/34 config Old to New Test > so mark down Oct 27, 2024 on calendar,we'll be 1434 days to 9/30/2028 on that day. Might get a connected Prophetic Sign.The 7 verse #'s of Bible Satan appears in REVELATION add up to 215944.Properties of the number 215944 ^^^^^^^In math 404910 is the sum of divisors of 215944.Also 404910 has 48 divisors same as the^^^^^^^^^ 48 verses Satan appears in the Bible.REVELATION has 404 verses so this reveals a perfect sync withREVELATION 9:10. Quite amazingly the Holy Spirit woke me up 9/29/20244am and showed me a revelation synced with this vs I had never seen before in the following chart.4 yrs to 2028 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Later same day 9/29/2024 David Eibeck sent his email.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start book of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End of BibleREVELATION REVELATION 9:10 REVELATION 9:17 REVELATION 22:21!............153 vs...........!..............7 vs.................!.................122x2 vs..............................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PSALM 122:2 last vs in Bible with 2028 gematria ct^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From PSALM 65:9 vs 930 of PSALMS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ its 1222 verses ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to PSALM 122:2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > 9/30/2028 <153 x 7 = 1071 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Matthew ends with verse number 1071 of Book, "repeated twice"and Matthew ends with chapter 957 of Bible. Genesis 41:322028 1228 vs # of Bible.Matthew begins with chapter 930 of Bible so 1228th min of day isMatthew beginning to end reveals > 9/30/2028 <<<<<<<<<<< the 20th hr 28min of day.930+2028 = 58 x 51 < They scored the winning Touchdowns.Sudden Death overtime > SUPERBOWL 58 Mercole Hardman wore #12 jersey.Sudden Death overtime > SUPERBOWL 51 James White wore #28 jersey.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"Lo, I will be with you alwayseven to The End of the Age."Matthew 28:20.....................................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS...comments welcome to...Stephen Wilkins...wilkste@aol.com...