More articles at > are follow up revelations with latest SUPERBOWLS 51 x 58 = 930+2028article posted 10/19/2024 at the site > Destinations <
"That very night Belshazzar, king of the Chaldeans, was slain.And Darius the Mede received the kingdom, being about 62 years old."Daniel 5:30,31 ^^^^^
In math the 62nd setof 'Twin Prime' numbers are 2027 and 2029.SUPERBOWL 62 is now scheduled to be playedat Mercedes Benz Stadium ATLANTA Georgia on 2/13/2028.The above verses record the historical Fall of Babylon in 539 b.c., whichGOD is using as typology of the coming Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy in 2028.See more below.On 10/15/2024 the NFL officially announced ATLANTA will be the host city for the2028 SUPERBOWL 62. Choosing ATLANTA and Mercedes Benz Stadium triggers sometruly mindboggling and fascinating prophetic syncs in the Bible in the following ways...This will be the 4th time ATLANTA has been chosen to host the SUPERBOWL.
ATLANTA hosted SUPERBOWL 28 on 1/30/1994. Georgia DomeATLANTA hosted SUPERBOWL 34 on 1/30/2000. Georgia DomeATLANTA hosted SUPERBOWL 53 on 2/3/2019. Mercedes BenzATLANTA will host SUPERBOWL 62 on 2/13/2028. Mercedes BenzTotal > 177 <^^^^^VS # 177 of Bible is Genesis 7:17.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Both these verses are ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^typology of the END TIME ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Rapture/Resurrection of GOD's Saints ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOAH's ARK isENOCH is lifted up/RapturedStart of Raptured here High above the Earth hereBible Genesis 5:24 Genesis 7:17!................130 vs to..............!.................47 vs to......!Much Bible evidence reveals Donald Trump will be the 47th President USA,prophetic parallel ^^^^^ prophetic parallel ^^^^^^First two times > Great Tribulation ^^^^^ Great Tibulation ^^^^^^timeline of > 1260 days ^^^^^ 1260 days ^^^^^^seen in text in Bible > Daniel 7:25 ^^^^^ Daniel 12:7 ^^^^^^!.................130 vs..................! ^^^^^^and his inauguration day will take place on on 1/20/2025.
And for the first time ever on that very same day 1/20/2025,the National Championship Game of College Football is going to beplayed in Mercedes Benz Stadium ATLANTA Georgia, exact same placeMercedes Benz Stadium ATLANTA Georgia, SUPERBOWL 62 in 2028 scheduled for.Lo and Behold...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Stage 3 Fall of BabylonDonald Trump Prophecy encoded inINAUGURATION DAY Bible for execution herefor the New President of USA END DATEwill be on Great Tribulation> 1/20/2025 < 9/30/2028!.........................exactly 1349 days to............................................!^^^^^^ Last vs in Bible with 2028 gematria ct.PSALM 55:10 last vs in Bible with a 1349 gematria ct. Psalm 65:9 vs 930 of Psalms, its^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 1222 verses to PSALM 122:2.PSALM 55:10 >>>>>>>>>> exactly 1349 vs to >>>>>>>>>>>>> PSALM 122:2.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "He turned the (Red) Sea into dry land; < See Pearl Harbor article.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ They went through the river on foot. < Start Date Great Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There we will rejoice in Him." < 4/19/2025 encoded here <PSALM 55:10 PSALM 66:6 <!.......................137 vs to..........! both synced to 9/30/2028 !!PSALM 55:10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16092 Vs to >>>>> Revelation 8:7^^^^^^^ Vs # 16092 of Bible is PSALM 122:2 !!^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Revelation 8:7 is vs # 137 of Revelation. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"The First Angel Sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood,and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up,and all green grass was burned up." Revelation 8:7 137 + 137 = 274in the Bible there are 13 Books Day of YR 274in2028with a 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a 9:30><20:28chapter/verse configuration, chapter/verse configuration,Start Date End DateStart Book of Great Tribulation Great TribulationRevelation 109th day of year will be > 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.....................109 vs...................! !....................1260 Days..............!Revelation 5:7 vs 89 Rev 6:13 Revelation 8:7 = = = = = = = = 9+30+20+28book of Revelation !........20 vs....!......28 vs....! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028Jewish Year 5789 Begins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sept/2028Think about it....I mean use your GOD given common sense and really think about it...
What are the chances the only two SUPERBOWLS 62 and 53 to be played in thatMecedes Benz Stadium ATLANTA Georgia, could be this perfectly synced in the Bible with twoof the most KEY END TIME Prophecy verses !! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Historic Fall of Babylon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the first vs in!...........................53 vs to.............!And Darius the Mede ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the Bible that has thereceived the kingdom, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1260 Daybeing about 62 years old." ^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation timeline in text.Daniel 5:31 ^^^^^^ Daniel 7:25^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start Date ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End Date^^^^^^^^^^^Great Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation4/19/2025 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 1260 days to >>> 9/30/2028^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ “Immediately after the ^^^^^^^^^^^^ (Great) Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of those days the Sun will be^^^^^^^^^^^^^ darkened, and the moon will not^^^^^^^^^^^^^ give its light ; the stars will fall from^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ heaven, and the powers of the^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ heavens will be shaken.Properties of the number 725 DANIEL 7:25 MATTHEW 24:29!.................................2028 vs to.......!In math the sum of divisors of 725 equal 930 ^^^^^^prophetically syncrhonizing to 9/30/2028 !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Then the sign of the Son of Man^^^^^^^^^^^^^ will appear in heaven, and then all the^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will^^^^^^^^^^^^^ see the Son of Man coming on the clouds^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of heaven with power and great glory.DANIEL 7:25 MATTHEW 24:30!.........................2029...............!In math the sum of divisors of 725 equal 930 ^^^^^^prophetically syncrhonizing to 9/30/2029 !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This covers the One Year Day of the Lord asdefined by the Prophet ISAIAH in ISAIAH 34:8^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"For it is the Day of the Lord ’s vengeance,The year of recompense for the cause of Zion."ISAIAH 34:8USA Destroyed in World War ThreeStage 3 Fall of Babylon coming > 9/30/2028 9/30/2029!...The year 365 days......!In ATLANTA Georgia><In ATLANTA Georgia ^^^^^^^^^^^ Stage 3 Fall of BabylonSUPERBOWL 28 SUPERBOWL 62 ^^^^^^^^^^^ End Datewas played on will be played on ^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation1/30/1994 2/13/2028 > 230 days ^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> 9/30/2028!..................................................exactly 34 yrs 8 months...............! ^^^^^^^! exact match ISAIAH 34:8 > Day of the Lord begins !!!!.......................same as exactly 12662 days....................................!Revelation 12:6 has the ^^^^^^^^^^^^Great Tribulation timeline ^^^^^^^^^^^^1260 days in text. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^4/19/2025 >>>>> 1260 days to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028............................................................................................................................................... Georgia><ATLANTA Georgia Stage 3SUPERBOWL 28 SUPERBOWL 62 Fall of Babylon Prophecy^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ coming 2028^^ End ofStart of Bible ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Leviticus 6:12 ^^^^^^^^^ Old Testament!...........................2862 vs to.................!....................20283 vs to.............!.......................................^^^^^^^...................................................................................................^^^^^^^HOSEA 28th Bible Book.HOSEA 6:2 says > "After two days He will revive us;^^^^^^^^ On the third day He will raise us up,
Jesus Christ ^^^^^^^^ That we may live in His sight."was conducting his ^^^^^^^^earthly ministry in 28 a.d. >>>> two days equals 2000 yrs to >>> 2028.^^^^^^^ ( See 2nd Peter 3:8 ) ^^^^^^^^^^^HOSEA 6:2 is also prophetic typology language for the END TIMERapture/Resurrection of GOD's Saints coming 2028 ,where we will also switch into the third millennium, again using28 a.d as the reference year to count from. Meaning in 2028 theprophesied 1000 year millennial reign of Jesus Christ begins !!.........................................................................................................................................Mercedes Benz Stadium ATANTA Georgia location of SUPERBOWL 62Mercedes Jellinek was the daughter of Daniel 5:31 > 62 in text.Car mogul Emil Jellinek, who named Day of Atonementthe Mercedes Benz car after her. Stage 3 Fall of BabylonMercedes Jellinek synced here with End Datedied on Great Tribulation2/23/1929 9/30/2028!...........its exactly 99yrs 220 days to.................................!The Four ATANTA SUPERBOWLS ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^in Roman numerals synced in gematria ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^Z=1,Y=2 etc >XXVIII+XXXIV+LIII+LXII = 220 ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^Z=1,Y=2 etc >Donald John Trump= 220 ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^9X11=99><220 = = = = = = = 110 + 110The Twin II Towers of 9/11/2001 Destroyed were each >> 110 + 110 stories high.Stage 1 Fall of Babylon ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > April Nineteen Two Thousand Twenty Five = 451 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 41 X 11 = 451 ^^^^^^^^^^^Start Date ^^^^^^^^^^ End DateGreat Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..................exactly 41 months 11 days...................!!......................same as 1260 days...........................!...............................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^In ATLANTA Georgia Stage 3 Fall of BabylonSUPERBOWL 62 synced here with End Datewill be played on Great Tribulation2/13/2028 ^^^ 9/30/2028!...............230 days.....................................!^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^62230 = 127 X 490 ^^^^^^^^^^^Revelation 7:14 is vs number 127 ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^book of Revelation with Great Tribulation in text ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^and start date 4/19/2025 synced there. ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^See Pearl Harbor article. ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 3511 is the 490th prime number.Start Date ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ End DateGreat Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Great Tribulation4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ 9/30/2028!............exactly 3 yrs 5 months 11 days................!!.................same as 1260 days.............................!^^^^^9th State, 30th State , 20th State , 28th State of USA .A=1,B=2 etc > New Hampshire+Wisconsin+Mississippi+Texas = 490^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > World War One + World War Two + World War Three = 490..............................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS....comments welcome Stephen