!..............12087 days.............! ^^^^^ !........12087 days..........!More articles at > https://www.jesus2ndcoming2028.com/
Last week we featured David Jordan , prophecy reseacher of many years is this article.> David Jordan+Hassan Nasrallah+Vladislav Surkov prophetically sync to Stage 3 Fall of Babylon 9/30/2028 <
So here are further revelations that have come to light last few days.
On 10/10/2024 David Jordan posted EZEKIEL 33:33 on X, without any knowledge thetiming of him doing this triggered the following amazing Bible revelations."And when this comes to pass—surely it will come—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.”EZEKIEL 33:33.In Math 30911 is the 3333rd prime number.REVELATION 13:2 is vs # 30911 of Bible and there are 191 verses to the end of the Bible."Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, ^^^^^^his feet were like the feet of a bear, ^^^^^^and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. ^^^^^^ Start DateThe dragon gave him his power, ^^^^^^ Greathis throne, and great authority." From ^^^^^^ Tribulation10/10/2024 ^^^^^^ 4/19/2025!........exactly 191 days to...........! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^What makes this sync all the more remarkable is what vs # 191 of the Bible Genesis 8:7 says.^^^^^"Then he sent out a raven, which kept going to and fro ^^^^^until the waters had dried up from the earth." ^^^^^Genesis 8:7 ^^^^^On 10/10/2024 we were ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^literally in real time watching the waters dry up from the Prophetic Sign of ^^^^^HURRICANE MILTON, having just passed over the state of Florida !! Gasp !! ^^^^^See full MILTON article > https://www.jesus2ndcoming2028.com/destinations < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^In numerical prophetic sync is Revelation 8:7. ^^^^^"The first angel sounded:(Trumpet ) And hail and fire followed, ^^^^^mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. ^^^^^
And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^In the spiritual realm we expect the first Trumpet to be sounding ^^^^^at the start of the Great Tribulation. ^^^^^4/19/2025. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Revelation 8:7 is vs # 137 of book the 33rd Prime #.137 + 137 = 274in the Bible there are 13 Books Day of YR 274in2028with a 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a 9:30><20:28chapter/verse configuration, chapter/verse configuration,Start Date End DateStart Book of Great Tribulation Great TribulationRevelation 109th day of year will be > 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.............109 vs...................! !....................1260 Days..............!Revelation 5:7 vs 89 Rev 6:13 Revelation 8:7 = = = = = = = = 9+30+20+28book of Revelation !.....20 vs....!......28 vs....! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028Jewish Year 5789 Begins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sept/2028.........................................................................................................................................................In David Jordan's same EZEKIEL 33:33 post Prophetic Signhe also talks about ^^^^^^^^ COMET TsuchinshanLauren Daigle ^^^^^^^^ closest to Earth this daywho was born on ^^^^^^^^ Day of Atonement9/9/1991 ^^^^^^^^^ 10/12/2024!................exactly 33 years 33 days to....................!See our full 10/12/2024 COMET Tsuchinshan article.Lo and Behold... Prophetic SignCOMET TsuchinshanDavid Jordan Lauren Daigle closest to Earth this daywas born on sync date was born on Day of Atonement8/10/1947 9/12/1980 9/9/1991 10/12/2024!.exactly 33 years 33 days to.!.......4014 days....!.. 33 years 33 days to..!^^^^^ ^^^^^^^4014 divided by 12087 = .332^^^^^^From EZEKIEL 33:33 its 332 versesto EZEKIEL 45:15.EZEKIEL 45:15 is verse # 1181 of EZEKIEL.EZEKIEL 45:15 is chapt # 847 of Bible.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Total > 2028 <"And one lamb shall be given from a flock of two hundred,from the rich pastures of Israel. These shall be forgrain offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings,to make Atonement for them,” says the Lord God." END DATE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ Great TribulationDay of Atonement in the year 2028 will be >>>>>>> 9/30/2028...........^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^......................................................In this rare leap day yr this isFrom EZEKIEL 45:15 vs # 21646 of Bible its 79 vs's to EZEKIEL 48:22. 274th day of year.
21646 divided by 79 equals >>>>>>>>>>> 274 .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This the 6th and lastBible book with avs # 1260 in it.^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 Ezekiel 48:22 Ezekiel 48:24!................4 vs...........!..........2 vs...........!Great Tribulation timeline 42 months as in Revelation 13:5.^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 is the last place in the Bible with ^^^^ Ezekiel 48:24 last place in the Biblethis chapter vs config, 4818 being a Bible number ^^^^ a vs has a 2068 gematria ct revealingrevealing the the date 4/19/2025 as seen below. ^^^^ the date 9/30/2028 as seen below.!.............1260 days or 42 months..........!^^^^See full EZEKIEL 48 article > !!! Exodus 14:21 Red Sea+Ezekiel 48+Psalms reveal 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 Great Tribulation timeline !!! <^^^^ Massive evidence aligns^^^^ here for Start dateBook Name > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 <<<<<<<<<<<< 4/19/2025total vs's of Book > 1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = 4818 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1260 days to^^^^ END DATEBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs , Hosea ^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 <<<<<<<<<<< 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068...............................................................................................................................................Lauren Daigle END DATEwas born on Great Tribulation9/9/1991 9/30/2028!........................exactly 13536 days to..................!
1st JOHN 3:8 only one two vs with 13536 gematria ct in Bible."He who sins is of the devil, for the devil ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^has sinned from the beginning. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^For this purpose the Son of God ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^was manifested, that He might 7th Angel sounds thedestroy the works of the devil." 7th and Last Trumpet here1st JOHN 3:8 vs # 30588of Bible. Revelation 11:15!............................................. .....25X12 vs to ...............!A=1,B=2 etc > 588=Jesus Christ Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight^^^ ^^^Exactly 7 books of the Bible have a chapter and verse combo of 9:30 and 20:28.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
From > Judges 9:30 > its 298 vs to >>>>> Judges 20:28From > 2nd Chronicles 9:30 > its 221 vs to 2nd Chronicles 20:28From > Job 9:30 > its 273 vs to >>>>>>>> Job 20:28From > Matthew 9:30 > its 411 vs to >>>> Matthew 20:28From > Luke 9:30 > its 476 vs to >>>>>>> Luke 20:28From > John 9:30 > its 425 vs to >>>>>>> John 20:28From > Acts 9:30 > its 408 vs to >>>>>>> Acts 20:28total > 2512 <..........................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS....comments welcome to Stephen Wilkins....wilkste@aol.com....