October 19, 2024
Is the rapture of the ready ones close by? After years and years of messages to the world, warning of Christ's imminent return, are we finally at the end point?
Is the world so sinful and full of evil that it is now just like the days of Noah? Do we have any real idea of the depth of evil as both men and women call evil good, and good evil?
It is my personal belief that we have reach critical mass. The evil that men do is much worse than we believe it to be. Child trafficking is rampant, abortion on demand is being loudly demanded by both men and women, men for sexual pleasure and women for convenience in their own pursuit of sin. Sexual perversion is at an all time high. Murders, robberies, assaults, vice of every sort is everywhere present. And perhaps the worst of all in wickedness in high places is prevalent in today's world.
In my own state of Illinois, gambling machines are everywhere, even located in laundromats, of all places. Money hungry state governments have thrown decency out of the window in their search for more and more revenues. Christian programs are desperately weak now in the age of the Laodicea Church. Inflation has robbed many good ministries of gifts of money. Evangelism is at an all time low in its impact and fundamental Christianity is almost without power.
I began hearing messages purporting to come from God in 1994. Since that time a plethora of messengers have been sounding the alarm, all saying that their word is from the Lord. The fulfillment of Acts 2:16ff, in which our sons and daughters, our old men and women and our very young would prophesy has seemingly occurred for thirty years now. And we, who are watching, are asking “how long, O Lord, merciful and true”? Lord, our patience is near exhaustion.
I strongly suggest that this awful day called Hallowe'en be watched. It comes this month on a Thursday, in accordance with our Brother Charles message that the rapture would be on a Thursday sometime, but he knew not when. All hallow's
eve, that is Halloween is the day before the resurrection of the dead in Christ, that is in church lore. The demons of hell fight on October 31 to prevent the predicted resurrection on that eve.
However, November 1 is resurrection day, also in church lore. Normally when a tradition such as this is honored, it has a root somewhere back in history. If it is true, although not Biblical, it could be our go home day. If, as I think, all of ages of the Church of Jesus Christ are resurrected and taken, including the Laodicea Church Age Christians on November 1, 2024, then it follows that the Laodicea Church Age Christians will be sent back to earth to work out their salvation (Philipians 12) as has been required of all prior Church Age Christians.
I make this period to be four months (John 4:35) or 120 days time. From and including November 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 would be that time frame.
Gerry Almond