More details at > <Dear Saints,My dear Saint friend Monica sent me this testimony of an experience she had at a76 Rocket Gas Station on 10/2/2023 that has remarkable prophetic syncs >
From: Monica B <mlbfireflyxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>To: Steve Wilkin <>Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 03:48:10 AM EDTSubject: October 2nd Event
Hi there,
I just wanted to share something that happened to me the other day on October 2nd, 2023.
I stopped into a 76 Rocket gas station on Plum Street to perform an audit, and I had to get into both the men and women’s restrooms. The lady was very nice and polite and I asked her for the PIN numbers and she told me that the pinwas for the moon cycle and the female’s was 101323 and the men’s was 101423.As I went into the bathrooms, they were very dark you could barely see with a Purple ish/Blueish light.I had never encountered those dark lights before in a public restroom and I inquired about it and they saidit was so heroin addicts could not see their veins and use the bathrooms to shoot up.
Anyways, I just wanted to share these dates with you because I know that that did not happen by accident and thatGod is sending us a message that we need to pray for these people that are being deceived by the enemy, and notrealizing that Jesus is coming soon, that they will awaken and turn from their ways back towards King Jesus.
So here are the remarkable prophetic syncs we discovered with Monica's experience.Monica, There is some remarkable prophetic synchronicity going on with this 76 Rocket Gas Stationexperience and your House Dream back on 4/6/2023, where you saw #'s 1999-99-9999. You can review thedetails of your House Dream in this link > <
So the two restroom numbers you got were 101323and 101423The simple total of these is > 202746 <^^^^^^^^Notice how this AMAZINGLY can reflect the actual date 4/6/2027^^^^^^^^1999-99-9999. ^^^^^^^^From Monica's ^^^^^^^^House Dream ^^^^^^^^4/6/2023. 4/6/2027!...............exactly 4 years..........................!^^^ It was 76 Rocket Gas Station that revealsProphetic sync date Notice 4 + 72 = 76 this date 4/6/2027 by way of thefrom House Dream ^^^ restroom numbers 1013239/9/1999 1/24/2027 ^^^ 4/6/2027 and 101423!..............9999 days..........................!.............72 days..............! total > 202746 <! ^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 72 = Rocket! ^^^^^ ! ^^^^ ! MASSIVE Bible evidence! ^^^^^ ! ^^^^ ! is aligning here forProphetic sync date ^^^^^ ! ^^^^ ! End Date of thefrom House Dream ^^^^^ ! ^^^^ ! Great Tribulation9/9/1999 ^^^^^ 1/24/2027 ^^^^ 4/6/2027 9/30/2028!.................9999 days.....................!............72 days................!..........543 days......!^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^9999 divided by 72 divided by 543 = .2557In the Bible EXODUS 35:25 is verse number 2557 of the Bible."All the women who were gifted artisans spun yarn with their hands,and brought what they had spun, of Blue, Purple, and scarlet, and fine linen."^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Monica's testimony > "As I went into the bathrooms, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^they were very dark you could barely see with a Purple ish/ Blueish light.
MASSIVE Bible evidence with confirming Prophetic Signs isis all aligning here with these dates. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Monica's experience with Start Date of the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^the 76 Rocket Gas Station Great Tribulation End Date of theoccurred on 76 =4X19 Great Tribulation10/2/2023 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!....................565 days..............!.........................1260 days...................!!..............................................................................1825 Days....................!Verse # of Bible 2025 is Exodus 18:25.EXODUS 35:25 has a 5655 gematria count. And standard gematria > 565 = Purple^^^In this vs^^^This vs in text has ^^^GOD^^^Twenty first day ^^^^^ parts theof first month ^^^^^ Red SeaExodus 12:18 ^^^^^ Exodus 14:21!......................76 = 4 X 19 vs..........!^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Exodus 12:18 is the only vs in Bible that identifies 21 > Twenty first day of first month > on the Jewish Biblical calendar,which is this date 4/19/2025 in this year on the Jewish civil calendar. In historyGOD parting the Red Sea on NISAN 21 is the prophetic typology eventwe expect to witness in the Spring of 2025 as the confirming prophetic signthe Great Tribulation has officially begun. Since GOD destroyed the Egyptian army inthe Red Sea , the prophetic sign that should manifest in some form will be a Major Death eventlike 911 or worse that captures WORLD ATTENTION. For many weeks we've been documentingMANY prophetic WARNING SIGNS we are leading up to this event in these prior articles >...............................................................................................................................................................In Monica's dream 4/6/2023 she is looking at this house and in graffiti writing on the outside wall ofthis house are the numbers 1999-99-9999... DAY OF ATONEMENTMonica was so intrigued with these numbers she ^^^^^^ MASSIVE amounts of evidencewas taking pictures of them in her dream . ^^^^^^^^ aligning here as potential dateThese numbers connect ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ for Second Coming ofperfectly to the date ^^^^^^^^^ and the timeline sync date Jesus Christ9/9/1999 ^^^^^^^^^^ 1/24/2027 9/30/2028!.................. .....9999 days...............!............615 days...............!Clay Cantrell ! ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^Angelic visitation ! 9999 divided by 615 = 16.2585365.ended on ! ^^ SEE BELOW in chart the ^^12/12/1997 9/9/1999 ^^ significance of these prophetic numbers ^^!...20 months 28 days...!See Clay's testimony > We have been featuring this chart below for two+ years now
Day of AtonementThe 7th and LAST TRUMPET sounds on this dateBy the Seventh Angel for the Second Comingof Jesus Christ see REVELATION 11:15At the LAST TRUMPET the Rapture Resurrection of ALL GOD's Saints immediately then commenceson this same day see Matthew 24:29-31, 1st Corinthians 15:23,51-52, Joel 2:15-16, 1st Thess 4:16-17Simultaneously with all that the ONE YEAR Wrath of GOD called the Day of the Lord begins, as 1styr of the ONE THOUSAND YEAR millennial reign of JESUS CHRIST also called the Day of the Lord begins^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ISAIAH 34:84/19/2025 9/30/2028 One Year 9/30/2029!...........Wrath of Satan Rev 12:12.............!.......................Wrath of GOD.......................!7th and Last Day of Passover !......Judgment Begins Judgment Ends......!GOD parted the RED SEA!! Day of Atonement Hoshana RabbaThis date encoded in Psalm 66:6. Day of Judgment This is known as theRevelation 12:6 + Revelation 13:5 astonishing amount of LAST DAYANTICHRIST spirit granted Power evidence amassing ISAIAH 34:8 of Judgmentto fulfill End Time Prophecy here for the One Year ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start date for Great SECOND COMING Day of 7th and Last DayTribulation Jesus Christ the Lord Feast of Tabernacles4/19/2025 9/30/2028 ^^^ 9/30/2029!.............................1260 days....................!.........................365 days.......................!! ^^^^ ^^^ LAST TIME actual phrase! 1260 days seen ^^^ Day of the Lord! in the text of ^^^ ! seen in the bible !Start date Revelation 12:6 ^^^ 2nd Peter 3:10Great !.................................................365 verses to.................!Tribulation 365 days = One Year !4/19/2025 ^^^ 9/30/2029!.............................................................1625 days....................................................!From above > 9999 divided by 615 = 16.2585365.
Monica's dream number. ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ in text of verseTwo verses have Great Tribulation in text in Book of Revelation >>>>> Great TribulationRevelation 2:22 Revelation 7:14!.........................................85 vs to...................................!A=1,B=2 etc > One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty = 365.
So this all Blue Car perfectly reflects the 9999-99 number sequence in Monica's Dream + syncs with the Blue lighted restroom from her Rocket Gas Station experience !! How incredible is that !!^^^^From^^^^ 9/30/2028!............................................its exactly 1815 days...........................................!In Strong's greek concordance # 1815 is for the word Resurrection seen only 1 time inPhilippians 3:11 > " if, by any means, I may attain to the Resurrection from the dead."....................................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESSStephen Wilkinscomments welcome >
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