Steve Mullin (8 Oct 2023)
"Such a very Dark World"

I think I am understanding what's called The book of Revelation. It's the revealing or unveiling of the reality of this world. Satan is the Father of Lies and behind the scenes, does everything he can to hurt God. In the beginning of my Christian walk, I couldn't understand why those demons were cast out of heaven wouldn't just move on somewhere else and exist. I've seen a video testimony of a demon that I believe and she said, after we were cast out our minds just went evil and all we could do was hate God. The Bible says the fruit of the Spirit of God is love and forgiveness and mercy and every other good thing. At that point it became evident that if God is removed from a soul, the only thing remaining would be evil including violence, lies, control, manipulation, jealousy, envy, strife and everything else that's evil.

Was very excited to have accumulated $800 from extremely generous people on the site who I will never forget. I booked a tow truck on Monday for $80 to bring me to the mechanic. He never showed and I had to spend $120 to get my car towed. I then took it to Coastal Auto Repair in San Diego where the owner Ian said installing my radiator would cost $500. I provided the part so it somehow became $500 in labor? Then 3 hours into the day, they hadn't touched my car so I spent $75 on a hotel room for the night.

My broken hood release cable was part of that, but nowhere near that expensive. Ian told me that fixing the hood release cable would be a $200-250 job for parts and labor. I then asked him to clarify how much for parts specifically and how much for labor? He said the part would be about $80 and the rest would be labor. Earlier in the day I went on Amazon and looked up the price of hood release cables for my car and a two pack was available for $30. I kind of cringed feeling like I was getting played.  The part that really irritated me is that I asked him specifically if there was a way I could still pop the hood to get access to the battery if needed. He played dumb saying I'm not sure what we could do. I was about to leave in my car and noticed my hood was shut all the way so I went back in and told him. The mechanic overheard me say that and walked over to the vehicle, put his hand right under the hood and released it. They made a loop in the cable to do that but Ian pretended not to know that.
Then the battery I praised God for supernaturally providing it to me from a homeless man at a bus stop turned out to not be new and no good. Strange feeling. And the alternator did test out bad and was not charging the battery.

I asked Ian how much it would be to replace the battery and he said it would probably cost $200 plus labor. I looked online and saw that I could probably get one for around $100. He instantly said but then the labor would not be warrantied. I told him I don't care because I can put in a battery myself. His reaction was kind of bizarre as though he needed to sell me on it. 

When I finally drove away with my new radiator, the car almost instantly heated up. I returned to the shop and told him. He said you wanted me to install a radiator and I did which is fair to a point. He said if you want me to diagnose what the problem is that will be extra. 

When my car started smoking badly the first time, a fire truck was right there and about five guys approached me and looked at it and said it was the radiator, as though they had seen it 100 times. That is what I believed. It did not however get above the mid point of the temperature gauge during the remaining 3 miles home. 

So as of now I have a new radiator, and under the hood is accessible, but battery is no good and the alternator needs replacing. I can get a used battery for $50 and found a remanufactured alternator for $110. 

Again, I can't stand asking for charity or help, but I feel completely trapped by this situation. Time has to be so very short based on world events. The collapse of the dollar and fall of the United States has to be at the door. If anyone has the means to help, it would be greatly appreciated. I'd love to pay each person back many times over if possible on the other side. My PayPal is Thank you,

Steve M