Steve Coerper (29
Oct 2023)
"The Great Falling
Dear All:
Just over three years ago, Pastor Bill Randles delivered a
1-hour message that unpacks II Thess. 2 and gives clear
and solidly Biblical answers to the questions many of us
have considered: What is the Great Falling Away,
and How can we recognize the 'strong delusion' and
even what is the spirit of antichrist?
- II
Thessalonians 2 - Sept 27, 2020 - Pastor Bill
I understand it's a little longer than some of us prefer,
but it is well-presented and very valuable information,
and I would like to encourage you to view it if
possible. If you only have a half hour, start
somewhere near the middle. But it's all solid
And you will want to really pay some attention.
Don't dis-service yourself by multi-tasking while it's
playing. I think it's really that good.
My thanks to Andrea at Along
Highway 12 for the recommendation and
Very best,