Steve Coerper (29 Oct 2023)
"Russia's "invisible" weapon in service - Unstoppable by US BMDs"

Putin's message to the USA about Iran: "You won't even have time to see what hit you"

Russia is gradually pulling out the "aces from its sleeves" by putting into service, one after the other, the 6th generation weapon systems, vertically upgrading the firepower.

The country's strategic nuclear forces are now becoming supersonic and this is the major problem for the US.  Moscow will offer a strategic nuclear shield to both Iran and China in the case of Taiwan.

72 hours earlier, Moscow put MiG-31s ​​with Kh-47M2 Kinzhal on a 24-hour patrol in the Black Sea targeting US aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean. 

The Declaration of B. Putin was made publicly and even from Beijing.

Objective: The protection of Iran. Moscow and Beijing will not allow anything to be lost or to happen to their strategic ally.

Satellite photos indeed show the repositioning of four MiG-31s ​​at Belbek Air Base in Crimea.

On Friday, Moscow put into service the ultimate weapon of destruction. A weapon that, as B. Putin had stated during his official presentation, the USA and any other enemy of Russia "will not have time to see it".  Russia has become the first country with supersonic Strategic Forces.

I understand the public disclosure is that these new Russian weapons can travel at Mach 9 - nine times the speed of sound.  But that's just what they have admitted.  Arguably, the top end speed is still classified and is very possibly higher than that.  And in addition, of course, these are weapons whose existence is disclosed for the purpose of deterrence.  There are quite possibly other weapons whose existence has remained secret. 

The Russians don't want a war; our NeoCons do.
Whether or not sanity will prevail remains an open question.  But as more cards are put on the table, hopefully the insanity of initiating a global war will become clear to all war-mongers on our side of the pond.  I still think the decision has been made.  Victoria Nuland should be in a strait jacket somewhere, but sadly she's still at the State Department and still shaping U.S. foreign policy.

Stay prayed up.