Patty Hayes (29 Oct 2023)
"Some things are hard to process, but we know this man to do excellent research"

Glenn Beck, like Epoch News, OAN news, and more have now gone to straight forward dependence on their viewers and avoiding and ads.  This makes them no longer beholding to the types of news to report or what the content to put forth in their reporting.  Glenn has added a staff dedicated to investigative news to ensure the trustworthiness of what is put before us, the audience, the reader, as such EPOCH News and OAN News.  Below is one such report that is also confirmed by EPOCH and others out there like them as well as those who spoke out and thus incurred time in jail or prison.  I ask you take a listen. Also, I learned this moring, there is confirmed 1,400 people/athletes who died after taking the "jab" or it's booster "jab".  ....Patty