Neil Lipken (15 Oct 2023)
"Vision of the Rapture! Time is at hand! Encouragement!!!"

Try to watch the first 3 minutes of this!   How can we be so certain that the Rapture is near?   Israel is already over 75 years old, and "this generation shall not pass"!   That says it all!   By God's Word, we MUST be drawing close to the Rapture!

P.S.   For those of you who have been attending my Church 52 End Time Bible Prophecy Course, I hope to restart it soon.  I have been going through chemotherapy for colon cancer (already had surgery), and I hope this will be ending soon.   Actually in light of world events of late, I believe there is a chance that the Rapture might happen before I can restart the course!   Nonetheless, I will be sending out a restart date hopefully soon.

P.P.S.   You can pack light for the Rapture!   I hear the weather in Heaven is perfect!   LOL!

Vision of the Rapture! Time is at hand! Encouragement!!!