Neil Lipken (15 Oct 2023)
"Re: Watch 6 mins! "The Leftovers: Predictive Programming Pointing to the Rapture on the October 14th Solar Eclipse" on YouTube"

Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets) was back in mid-September.   The Jewish people go by the lunar calendar, and there is always the question of when the TRUE Feast of Trumpets is.   It is possible that the true date is around mid-October this year.   Based on this, I personally believe that we are now entering a HIGH RAPTURE RED ALERT as we move through the middle of October!   I am sending this email to some selective humans.   If you receive this email, you are a "selective human"!   LOL!

As we know, we cannot know the day nor the hour, but we can make educated guesses.   Should nothing happen during this time period, we will continue to move forward through time.  Regardless, the hour now is very late in these End Times and the Rapture is most definitely approaching!   In the "parable of the fig tree" in Scripture, the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation will see all end time events come to pass leading to the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ!   Israel is now over 75 years old (from May 14, 1948), and the minimum now from 1948 to the Second Coming is 75 years + 7 years for the Tribulation (after the Rapture) = 82 years.  Does that constitute a "generation"?  I think that is sufficient, but it is up to God obviously.

Please pray for the State of Israel as this difficult time is upon them!   Being Jewish, I love Israel and I love my Jewish brethren!   

If you have not already done so, go to YouTube and type in "Rapture dreams and visions".   WOW!   You will be amazed at how many people are getting dreams and visions that the Rapture is now drawing very close!

P.S.   This short video was just sent to me today from a friend.