Michael (29 Oct 2023)

         This week I decided to lookup the gematria value of the phrase "World War III"… 

English value : 846 = WWIII…

I go to the pi search, unaware that 846’s first appearance is tied directly to my previous pi search of  Barack Obama’s 793..the combination of the Gregorian year ’23 / Hebrew year ’84

The sequence starts in position #13… 79323/846

Position #18 divides the years, Revelation 13:18 (666) verse…

Now, I see hidden within the total sequence…13 the number of rebellion…18(6+6+6)…Barack’s gematria 793…and 846 WWIII gematria…and not only the present Gregorian ’23 / Hebrew year '84 …but also Barack’s birthday 8/4…which is of course, the 216th(6x6x6) day of the year. 

And I cannot fail to mention that the Holy Spirit led me to subtract the position #16 that begins the years, from the combined years 2384 -16 = 2368(Jesus Christ).

This is a very loaded sequence of numbers…

Your friend, 
Thanks for sharing, Michael!