Lewis Brackett (8 Oct 2023)
"Basic requirements for life here; or anywhere"

There is sufficient evidence that the very nature of the physical
constants of the universe are exactly determined to make life thrive.
Even the least deviation of even one of these would make life here
impossible. Thus the very exact requirements for life here call out
for a designer. Would any of you have the audacity to enter the Louve
and insist that the paintings by Renoir, Michelangelo are really
painters drop cloths? I think not. The world around us displays the
same obvious earmarks of a masterful artist.

      From reasons.org

Exact requirements for life…

    flux of cosmic ray protons

if too small: inadequate cloud formation in planet’s troposphere

if too large: too much cloud formation in planet’s troposphere

        solar wind

if too weak: too many cosmic ray protons reach planet’s troposphere
causing too much cloud formation

if too strong: too few cosmic ray protons reach planet’s troposphere
causing too little cloud formation

      parent star luminosity relative to speciation

if increases too soon: runaway green house effect would develop

if increases too late: runaway glaciation would develop

      surface gravity (escape velocity)

if stronger: planet’s atmosphere would retain too much ammonia and methane

if weaker: planet’s atmosphere would lose too much water

    distance from parent star

if farther: planet would be too cool for a stable water cycle

if closer: planet would be too warm for a stable water cycle

    inclination of orbit

if too great: temperature differences on the planet would be too extreme

    orbital eccentricity

if too great: seasonal temperature differences would be too extreme

    axial tilt

if greater: surface temperature differences would be too great

if less: surface temperature differences would be too great

    rate of change of axial tilt

if greater: climatic changes would be too extreme; surface temperature
differences would become too extreme

    rotation period

if longer: diurnal temperature differences would be too great

if shorter: atmospheric wind velocities would be too great

    rate of change in rotation period

if longer:surface temperature range necessary for life would not be sustained

if shorter:surface temperature range necessary for life would not be sustained

    planet age

if too young: planet would rotate too rapidly

if too old: planet would rotate too slowly

    magnetic field

if stronger: electromagnetic storms would be too severe; too few
cosmic ray protons would reach planet’s troposphere which would
inhibit adequate cloud formation

if weaker: ozone shield would be inadequately protected from hard
stellar and solar radiation

    thickness of crust

if thicker: too much oxygen would be transferred from the atmosphere
to the crust

if thinner: volcanic and tectonic activity would be too great

albedo (ratio of reflected light to total amount falling on surface)

if greater: runaway glaciation would develop

if less: runaway greenhouse effect would develop

    asteroidal and cometary collision rate

if greater: too many species would become extinct

if less: crust would be too depleted of materials essential for life

    oxygen to nitrogen ratio in atmosphere

if larger: advanced life functions would proceed too quickly

if smaller: advanced life functions would proceed too slowly

    carbon dioxide level in atmosphere

if greater: runaway greenhouse effect would develop

if less: plants would be unable to maintain efficient photosynthesis

    water vapor level in atmosphere

if greater: runaway greenhouse effect would develop

if less: rainfall would be too meager for advanced life on the land

    atmospheric electric discharge rate

if greater: too much fire destruction would occur

if less: too little nitrogen would be fixed in the atmosphere

    ozone level in atmosphere

if greater: surface temperatures would be too low

if less: surface temperatures would be too high; there would be too
much uv radiation at the surface

    oxygen quantity in atmosphere

if greater: plants and hydrocarbons would burn up too easily

if less: advanced animals would have too little to breathe

    nitrogen quantity in atmosphere