Lewis Brackett (29 Oct 2023)
"Were Israeli intelligence warned an attack was coming?"

    Did Israel know the disastrous 1973 war was coming on their high
holy day? Yes we now know they were warned, but did nothing. From
hindsight, it looks as if they wanted another war so they could so
thoroughly destroy their enemies to force a regional peace... Which is
what happened.
    Our defenses were stood down a few days before 911. Was this a
coincidence? The Patriot act, hundreds of well thought out measures to
take away many of our freedoms had been written well before the 911
event, and was just waiting for a major terror attack so it could be
implemented. Was this another coincidence?
     This dangerous genocidal COVID vaccine was created before COVID
coincidentally appeared just three months after a pandemic outbreak
had been war-gamed. Was this another coincidence?
     Was this present Gaza war to eliminate Hamas planned in advance?
Israel had to have known a major terror attack was coming. The Israeli
conservative military has wanted to rub out Hamas for a long time. Now
they finally have their chance. Another coincidence?
   I smell a big furry beady-eyed rodent in all these coincidences.