Lewis Brackett (29 Oct 2023)
"Re Donna Danna, Nephilim walking among us"

    Thanks Donna for talking about this. I have believed for many
years that the "UFO Aliens" aka Satan's fallen angels,  have been
behind human abductions and animal mutilations.  IMHO. the reason for
this was the harvesting of flesh from which to recreate the nephilim
without the extreme penalty God imposed on the Genesis six fallen
angels for procreating with human women.
     I have been ridiculed by clueless christian breatherin for this
conclusion.  I believe The left behind of humanity will definitely see
the final chapter of this gruesome experiment.
     One joke I tell these days to get my point across is:
"I'm sure that all Nephilim are liberal Democrats."  However, It
remains to be seen if all liberal Democrats are Nephilim.:)>

Now a household hint ... Our local demon-possessed Mice and rats are
now too smart for traps, so I pour corn meal onto the center of glue
traps.  Outside, a 50/50 combination of corn meal and baking soda will
kill the creatures but not harm other wildlife.
   In San Diego I find the Mexicano burrito/ tortilla corn flower mix
works well >