Where I live, we are having a lovely Indian Summer: sunny days and daytime temperatures in the 80's. Seasonal harvest colors are being showcased on the trees. Nature's glory, in full measure, is being displayed. In the midst of this wonder, the date of 10-4 is just ahead. Truckers use words and phrases for short communications while travelling. So, for example, "10-4" means "yes" "affirmative" and "I understand." Borrow some words, some lingo. I affirm, say yes, and I understand the beauty in this month! That day through month's end, may include for me, another special 27 days of landscape splendor, a full 4 weeks of wonderful Indian Summer until 11-1, All Saint's Day!
Another interesting date will be 10-10, as Simchat Torah concludes for all the world, according to the Torah Calendar. Rejoicing in the Torah Day. Rejoicing in the Messiah as The Living Torah. All the 3 Appointed Times of Tishri will be Complete. The Annual Cycle of 7 Appointed Times will have been Fulfilled. May beauty, bless each day from now to 10-4, then to 10-10, then to 11-1. This month, Is Blessedness and Beauty, Vibrant Within Lovely Indian Summer!
With Love and Shalom,Jean