Gino (8 Oct 2023)
"RE: Nando: 10.02.23: her various videos"

Is Jesus the only one who was allowed to do this?

Ephesians 4:9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

Or has the LORD also allowed Laurie Ditto to do this, also?

Or what had previously been not lawful to utter:

II Corinthians 12:4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

Is it now allowed to be uttered?
Or what about those who write books, or make movies, about their trips to heaven?
Is that allowed, now?
Or are we just hopeful that what they are telling us, is true?
Before covid, I met a man, here in our town, who told me about how he died, went to heaven, and came back.
I was kind of in a state of shock after hearing all he told me.
For the longest time, I wasn't sure what to do or think, in response to all he said.
So much in me screamed to believe all the things he told me.
Yet, it wasn't scripture, the written word of God, but rather it was his account.
I attempted to try the things he said, against scriptures, but he spoke of things that were not directly mentioned in the scriptures.
So, I had a dilemma, either I could accept what he told me, in a sense, making him a prophet of the LORD to me.
Or I could leave his words with him, and stick only to the written word of God.
I chose the latter, and stuck with the book.
Yet, my heart yearned for the things he mentioned, similar to others, who said that they went to heaven, and saw their beloved pets, there.
Yes, I have been often rebuked by others, with Ecclesiastes 3:21, for even asking about what happens when our pets die.
However, my heart was broken over the loss of a pet, and I wanted to believe that there was a remote chance, that I could see them again.
So, is this similar? Do we want to believe their words, or are we supposed to believe their words?
Or should we best leave their words with them, and stick with the book?
