You wrote a number of letters dealing with the Armenian/Azerbaijan conflict.You were right, the Armenians have been persecuted, terribly, by the muslims of Turkey and the muslims of the Caucasus.They still need to beware muslim persecution.Sadly, because of cooperation between Israel and Azerbaijan, Armenia is becoming dangerous for Jews living there.A rabbi in Azerbaijan is warning the Jews in Armenia to flee the coming persecution, before it is too late.Persecution of Armenians by muslims, and persecution of Jews in Armenia - we must be close to the end.The Azerbaijan muslims were zealous even when they were under the jackboots of the KGB, while they were a Soviet state.I knew a man above 45 years ago, who, while living there, was out walking, alone, late one night,and saw people holding a religious march/parade (not sure if it was their day of ashura, or ramadan);The next day, mentioned what was seen, to the coworkers, but the ethnically Russian soviets vehemently denied it.They were adamant that it was not seen, as they said that the Soviet Union is an atheist nation, so it couldn't have happened.Also, the women there all made like they were always coughing into a handkerchief.But it was their way of defying the no religious covering of the women.They were not afraid of the KGB, then, so their younger descendants, now, have had that zealousness passed down to them.You were right to point out the concern for the Armenians.