Bruce,Your friend, Mr. Stirling, has a very grim view of the future, without the mention of Jesus.Clearly he needs prayer, because dying without Jesus is much more grim than the picture he has painted.Sadly, there are also so many others, that not only look forward to a future like he described, but have no idea how bad it will be after death.How many of them could have been saved already, had we done what we were supposed to, with the gospel.However, no matter what, Jesus will return, and rescue all those still alive in Israel, at that time.He will then be received by them as their Messiah, Saviour, and Lord, and rule from David's throne.He will establish his kingdom from Israel, and then the world will become a wonderful blessing.If only Mr. Stirling were saved, he would know that, and could add good news for the future, in with his description of the bad.