Gerry Almond (8 Oct 2023)

October 7, 2023


A great sign that was given to me by the Lord was fulfilled between September 13, 1988 and September 27, 2022. That sign was the only repeat in history or in the future and to me was unmistakable. I am referring to our Lord's earthly lifespan from conception to death. In days it totaled 12,432.

The sacred feasts of Israel cover a period of 280 days. They conceived on the first day of Nisan and Passover, the first of these is held 14 days later. The human being, just like the feasts is 14 days after conception to fertilization. From Passover to the last day of Tabernacles is 266 days. The human being, from fertilization to birth is 266 days. GOD PLACED HIS FEASTS ON THE DEVELOPMENTAL POINTS OF HIS CREATION IN HIS OWN IMAGE. It is apparent that the gestation period of 280 days is extremely important to God.

Here is the Bible formula for determining the lifespan of Jesus Christ. It is found in Matthew 1:21 which reads “You shall call His Name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins”. (Spoken by Gabriel to Mary at the annunciation). In the gematria of words, each letter in both Hebrew and Greek language has a number value. The name “Jesus” has the value of 888. His second name, rather than Christ was Savior because His mission was to SAVE the house of Israel, not rule over them as Messiah. The value of “Savior” is 14. The formula is as follows:

888 x 14 = 12,432. These are the days of His life. Take away 280 days for gestation and you have 12,152 days from birth to death. In solar years that is 33.27 years. He died on Passover which is usually in April in this hemisphere. Using the Universal Hebrew calendar, Passover in 33 A. D. fell on April 3. Simply count back from this date 12,152 days to find that December 25, 00 was His birth date. The annunciation came on March 20, 00, which was the first day of Spring, and it was also the equinox. If you divided 12,432 by 280 you get 44.4 cycles of one of God's favorite numbers. To reach the number of His name, we need a second lifespan count, which, if we have one, it spells His name in gematria, that is 88.8. We got it in 1988 running to 2022.

On April 28, 1988, God told me to pay attention to the message of Edgar Whisenant, a devout Chrtistian scientist connected with NASA and who was responsible for calculations that put man on the moon. He knew well these cycles and declared that God has told him that Jesus would come on the Feast of Trumpets in 1988. We waited and we were all disappointed because we misundrstood what was happening. Yet, the fire did no go out. I have patiently watched since then and have learned many things in so doing. We have now entered the 36th year of watch. I know that Jesus came in 1988, but we were not ready. How do I know? By chapter 5 of the Song of Solomon. That chapter in its first verses accurately portray what happened to all of us in 1988. I can testify to its truth as I experienced it then and now.

What I have done since the end of the lifespan counts, is add 280 days at a time. The first, after September 27, 2022 ended on July 3, 2023. The second 280 days will end on April 8, 2024. On that date a solar eclipse crossing from San Diego, California to Portland, Maine will complete a path across the lower 48 states forming an immense “X”. The first swath was in 2017 running from Seattle, Washington to Jacksonville Florida. It is my opinion that this “X” is God's way of saying America is finished. The great Babylon of the world has been judged. And St Louis, Missour is dead center in the swath. IMHO.

All of this leads me to my speculation given to answer a query as to the rapture event. It is my belief that it cannot be calculated; it will occur as a rescue of God's humble and obedient saints, who are rapture ready. I call them Philadelphia Christians. It is apparent to me that the Laodicea Christians are so worldly that they cannot go in the rescue of Philadelphia. These will be left behind to participate in a great harvest of souls foretold in the Revelation. This leads me now to purely speculate, but speculation based on logical reasoning.

The rapture and harvest will bo on the same day at the same time. We will leave and the left behind will be transformed. If I were to reason when the harvest of souls is to begin, I would say November 1, 2023. That is All Saints Day when, according to church lore, the dead are resurrected. Hallowe'en is when the demons try to prevent the resurrection. They fail, of course for God is all powerful and His will will be done.

Jesus spoke to His disciples as recorded in John 4:35. There He told them that the fields right then were ripe to harvest. He spoke of the barley. He then told them yet 4 months (120 days) until the wheat harvest. We are barley, Laodicea is wheat, I think.

I would then run a count of 120 days (four months) from November 1, 2023 to arrive at February 29/March 1, 2024. I would then look at it based on the Song of Solomon's signs in chapter 2:10-13 as if I am in South America. (I speculate also that the Song was written by Solomon while Israel was in the southern hemisphere and was moved to the northern hemisphere by what happened to Hezekiah when the shadow of the sun retreated 10 degrees on the sun dial. I think that either God struck the planet with an asteroid or a partial pole shift occurred. At any rate, it would be opposite our season, that is, it would be Spring down there. And the harvest would end in the Summer down there on February 29, 2024 on our calendar.

April 8, 2024 will be 38 days after the end of the harvest. The great “X”, caused by solar eclipse paths will complete on that date, the end of another 280 days count. I would then include a “time out” of 21 more days when time sort of stops, for war in heaven as Satan and his angels are cast out of heaven to the earth (Rev 12 and Dan 10 both record war in heaven). I would then add 1,260 more days (4.5 times 280 days) for antichrist to do his horror while God in heaven does His wrath on earth. What a time!!!

I would then add the 30 days plus 45 days of Daniel 12 and I would arrive at the birthday of Jesus Christ on December 25, 2027. This is also the first day of the feast of Hanukkah in Israel which runs through December 31. 2027, year's end.

My best guess. Pray like never before.


Gerry Almond