October 28, 2023
Here is a suggested count.
The great solar eclipse completes the massive “X” over the continental United States on April 8, 2024. Immediately war in heaven occurs as Satan is cast out of heaven.
That consumes 21 days leading to April 29, 2024. This may be the mid point of the final 7 years of Daniel’s prophecy of 70 weeks of years. The great trinulation here begins and runs for 1,260 days. Antichrist comes in and this also stirs the wrath of Almighty God into action.
The time of antichrist ends October 11, 2027. Israel is now in charge. Daniel 12 says for how long. It totals 75 days comprised of 30 and 45 days. Thirty days comes to November 11, 2027 and 45 more days comes to December 25, 2027, the birthday anniversary of King Jesus.
It is also the first day of the feast of Hanukkah in Israel. Seven days later, the end of Hanukkah is December 31, 2027. Is January 1, 2028 therefore day 1 of the Kingdom Age?
So, when is day 1 of the great harvest of souls? I think day 1 is also our rapture day. I speculate day 1 to be either November 1/2, 2023 or January 1, 2024. The harvest time is to be 120 days (John 4:35).
Time for us is nearly over, no matter if this is right or not.
Gerry Almond