Fay (8 Oct 2023)
"Suspicion Deepens"


Hi John and Doves,

This story brings a sense of Deja Vu. Remember when the Kuwaiti girl stood up in front of the United Nations and testified that Islamic militants were removing babies from their premature units and leaving them to die on the floor - circa the second gulf war? please see 2nd link below. Here is yet another story about the current war in Israel where 'they' emphasise that "grans, mothers and even BABIES" are being kidnapped. I could be way out of line but this smacks of deceit. Since WHEN did all the nations agree that Israel is the victim instead of the perpetrator? Since WHEN have the media been on the side of Israel as they are today? This whole debacle smacks of deceit. Again - I may be very wrong , but the evidence suggests a giant delusion. A massive deception. Perhaps I am over tired but I cannot shake the feeling that there is a lot of staging going on. May Almighty God forgive me if I am wrong. In Jesus' Name.

Hamas continues to fire rockets into Israel 24 hours on from start of conflict which has left hundreds dead and seen militants kidnap grans, mothers and even BABIES - as PM Netanyahu admits it will be 'a long and difficult war' | Daily Mail Online

'Babies Thrown From Incubators In Kuwait,' False Testimony/Gulf Iraq War Mass Propaganda - Democratic Underground