Fay (8 Oct 2023)
"This is VERY Strange!"


Hi John and Doves,

May Almighty God forgive me if I am wrong but I am feeling strange vibes about this latest war in Israel. Maybe I am suspicious of everything I read now - like we all are. Ever since waking up to the news of the war in Israel this morning, I have been like a cat on a hot tin roof all day. Then I came across this article this evening - a daily Mail article - and my alarm bells started clanging. At first I tried to ignore my discomfort but I then read a comment posted on Revelation12Daily by Hmewrdbd, regarding an update on Telegram from Amir Tsarfati that confirmed my feelings of discomfort.

Amir Tsarfati said:- "I must say something and I hope you will all understand me. Something doesn't add up for me. The Gaza border is the most sophisticated barrier with cameras and sensors everywhere. The delay in the air and ground response was unlike anything we have ever seen. Ever since the events began to unfold and videos started to emerge from the scene - ALL Israelis have asked themselves - where is the IDF? Where is the air force? Why is it that none of the cameras spotted the preparations? I am trying not to dive into conspiracy theories".

In the 1st link is Amir Tsarfati's Telegram account. Scroll down the page for the latest updates.

Amir Tsarfati – Telegram

In the 2nd link is the article that first got me feeling that something is odd. Distinctly odd. It looks staged. The young girl is either an actor or is not fully grasping the danger she is in. She is too groomed. Too 'Damsel in distress' type thing. I do not see genuine terror in her eyes. The Amir Tsarfati comment confirmed my feeling of something not being right. Again -may Almighty God forgive me if I am wrong. In Jesus' Name.

Innocent victims snatched by Hamas: Student, 25, screams 'don't kill me!' as she is kidnapped from a rave by militants who also nab mother, 34, and her two young girls in terrifying series of raids into Israel - leaving Middle East on brink of all-out war | Daily Mail Online