Hi John and Doves,
It's Stupid O'Clock here in UK. I can't sleep with this Israel war news. I am pacing the hall and attempting to gather my brain cells together. This, I truly believe, is the countdown to the rapture. What could, possibly, be in the offing is a 'negotiated' ceasefire or 'peace treaty'. As in 1 Thessalonians 5:3. .....While they are saying Peace and safety, destruction will come upon them like a pregnant woman and they will not escape. See 2nd link below.
Israel has been suffering birth pangs for awhile now. Inner turmoil. 1Thessalonians 5:3 is suddenly clear. I may be very wrong, but there may be a forced peace treaty soon. Then sudden destruction. If (a big IF) there is talk of a ceasefire and peace on the table - we can know that we have been given the green light to board the Ark. This may be the signal that the war of Gog/Magog is on the horizon.
Please come, LORD Jesus.
‘Ground invasion on the table’ warns Israel as conflict with Hamas escalates (msn.com)
1 Thessalonians 5:3 NIV - While people are saying, “Peace and - Bible Gateway