Hi John and Doves,
There will be a penumbral lunar eclipse on March 25th, 2024 - Shushan Purim. This will take place 14 days prior to the great American solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024. Purim 2025 and 2026 are also highlighted by total lunar eclipses. The story and lessons of Purim are key.
The Book of Esther is all about obedience to God - even though the LORD is not mentioned once in the Book of Esther, His hidden Hand is very apparent. The emphasis is all on the human reactions and obedience to God. The Book of Esther shows that the king of Persia - be it then or now - can easily have his head turned, by Almighty God, IF the people obey! If the Jewish people obey, repent and turn back to God, adhere to the laws of the Covenant - carnage can be avoided.
There is huge lessons for us all in the story of Purim. This war against Gaza has brought out the keyboard warrior out in everyone. Including those who choose to resurrect the proven fakery of things like The Protocols of Zion - yet claim innocence of being anti-Semitic. Rubbish! These people are NOT innocent and are NOT obeying the LORD. We are commanded to support and bless Israel. We are commanded to pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem.
Obedience to the LORD is vital for all of us.
Please come, LORD Jesus.