Fay (22 Oct 2023)
"All the Players are in Place:- 2"


Hi John and Doves,

There is no doubt of this when reading the article in the link below. There is no turning back now. I am writing this on Friday October 20th and I'm expecting something to happen on Saturday October 21st. As I posted last week, there seems to be a pattern forming. The attack on Israel on October 7th. The annular solar eclipse (birth eclipse) on October 14th etc. 7 day periods between each. Perhaps nothing will happen - perhaps a gap in the sequence? We shall see. But, Almighty God is not a God of confusion. When He tells us that we will be able to see THAT day approaching, He means it. Hebrews 10:23-25. See 3rd link below.

Iran TV says proxies to attack Israel from all sides (ynetnews.com)

Did the Hamas attack signal the beginning of Gog and Magog? - Israel365 News

Hebrews 10:23-25 KJV - Let us hold fast the profession of our - Bible Gateway

Some translations of Ezekiel 38:18 say that 'when Gog sets foot on the land of Israel'. I wish I could find this translation. I read it on Israel365 this morning but it seems to have disappeared. Are we waiting to see an Obama visit to the land of Israel? I am going by the words of Natan's testimony where he testified that Obama is Gog and that Obama will be killed (by our Messiah Jesus) and given a grave in Israel - as per prophecy. Although, this happens in Ezekiel 39:11 - linked below. I have no doubt that our beloved Almighty God will clear all confusion soon.

Ezekiel 39 NIV - “Son of man, prophesy against Gog and - Bible Gateway

Please come, LORD Jesus.