Hi John and Doves,
No matter which angle you choose to look at in this current situation - all the players are in place for the Gog/Magog war. It may have begun with a 'skirmish', albeit a deadly one but we can all see that blood and destruction lies ahead. The fact that a massive amount of military hardware is now positioned in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Gaza, tells us that a 'beast from the sea' is rising. The news in the article in the link names all the enemies of Israel getting ready. Turkey is ready too.
As a long-time watchman, I believe we may see more horror and destruction, prior to the Ezekiel 38 war. An horrific, yet brief, war (Psalm 83?) that will lead to everyone crying out for peace. Then sudden destruction comes. While they are saying peace and safety, sudden destruction comes upon them - 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
Please come, LORD Jesus.