Hi John and Doves,
This is an incredibly important message for our American brethren. America is being absolutely hammered right now. Most of the evil stuff appears to be emanating from the USA. This leaves our American brethren feeling ashamed of their own country and ashamed of what their leadership is doing to the world.
Why is America being attacked from within and without? Because the majority of evangelical Christians reside in America, is why. According to the stats in the article - 93 million evangelicals reside in the USA. Compare the numbers in the graphs in the article, Doves. THIS is exactly why America is being targeted for implosions and destruction. Suspend the political shenanigans for a second and recognise why America is being systematically destroyed. Ignore the fake polls that declare that America is no longer a Christian nation - blatant lies! The numbers for Europe aren't that bad either. At the exact time that Israel is being hammered from all sides, so too is Christianity.
3 in 5 Evangelicals Live in Asia or Africa - Lifeway Research
Now look at which countries house the most Jewish people. This is a REAL eye-opener. The two countries that house the majority of the Jewish population, reside in Israel and the United States of America. BINGO! In fact, the map in the article is incredibly revealing. Please see 2nd link below. Wowza! The Judea-Christian nations are under severe attack. This is obviously the work of satan and his minions. Confirming that we are, undoubtedly, living in the end times. This open borders stuff is the attempt of satan to flood us and weaken us with the influx of radical Islam.
Hold your heads up high, American cousins. What is happening is BECAUSE you are faithful to Almighty God and our LORD Jesus. I am pretty stoked that the UK is 'up there' too. We all need to feel proud we belong to Almighty God and recognise that our faith and prayers are enormously powerful. I feel proud of all of us. Praise Almighty God. May He strengthen us in all things. May we be what He needs us to be. May we walk, talk and act in all His ways. In Jesus' Name.
Jewish Population by Country 2023 (worldpopulationreview.com)