Hi John and Doves,
This is big news. I have long suspected that Europe is under some sort of take-over attack. When the Nord Stream pipeline was destroyed, my immediate thought was to think of who this act of terrorism hurt the most. Europe, of course. Russia can always find a way to re-route their gas and there is no lack of customers. China, for example. In fact, I believe the latest chaos in Azerbaijan and the Armenian exodus is all about new pipelines - with Turkey, Iran, Russia and the USA all vying for control. In fact, focus is very much on that part of the world. Uzbekistan recently experienced a massive explosion on Thursday September 28th. Please see 2nd link.
And if anybody needs proof of the utter corruption happening in that part of the world, see the 3rd link below. Uzbekistan is as corrupt as Ukraine, Azerbaijan etc.
Ex-president's daughter accused of running multi-million dollar crime ring (msn.com)
My point is that there is something huge we are missing. The world is being carved up by the USA, Russia, China and certain members of the European Union. And the only way the European Union is going to hold together is to weaken her member states. Only now are Hungary, Poland and Slovakia waking up to the machinations of Brussels. The UK clocked this awhile back - otherwise, the powers-that-be would have never allowed the vote of the Brexit referendum to stand. Let's not be naïve - the votes are always manipulated in favour of the political elite. We Brits thought Brexit was a win for the people - when, in actuality - it was what the elites wanted anyway.
With Poland, Hungary and Slovakia smelling a rat - albeit, belatedly - a world war is on the horizon.
Please come, LORD Jesus.