Elliot Hong (29 Oct 2023)
"Possible SD In NY During The Malta Peace Meeting On The Full Moon Of Cheshvan Which Is 153 Days From Shavout"

Dear Doves:

10/28-29 is the full moon of Cheshvan which is the 8th and the 2nd month in the Jewish calendar.
The 8th day of the 2nd week of Sukkot was 10/14 when Annular Solar Eclipse passed Corpus Christi at noon.
8 means New Birth and New Beginning, and 2 represents Separation of Flesh and Spirit.
Jesus was dedicated on the 8th day from the birth, and He came as the 2nd Adam as it's written in Romans 5:19.
The full moon of Cheshvan is 14 days from "Ring of fire" on 10/14, and 14 means Salvation.

In the previous letter, I introduced the Edward Simon's dream of 7 & 17 and Sherri who received Eleven, Eleven.
It's Eleven days from the beginning of Israel War on 10/7 to the blast at the hospital in Gaza on 10/17.
It's another Eleven days from Islam's "Day of Rage" on 10/18 to the full moon of Cheshvan.
The full moon of Cheshvan this year is 153 days from Shavout and 88 days from Tu B'Av.
The full moon has a dual meaning of Blessing and Wrath.
The message "There will be a big explosion when the moon is in the top of it's phase" could indicate this full moon.
It's possible that SD could occur in NY during the Malta Peace Meeting which is scheduled on 10/28-29.
If it happens, 1 Thessalonians 5:3 will be literally fulfilled.
"When(While) people are saying Peace & Safety, Sudden Destruction shall come on them"
And the Firstfruits Bride will be birthed 3 days later on Cheshvan 17 as like Jesus resurrected on Nisan 17.
Cheshvan 17 this year is Halloween, and it makes sense that the Bride is liberated from this satanic world on Halloween.
2 hostages were released from Hamas twice, and 2 represents Separation of Flesh and Spirit.

Here is another possibility.
Calvin mentioned many times that the occultation of Antares in Scorpio occurred on Halloween of 2008.
And he wrote that 4 days later on 11/4(44), O was elected as the 44th President.
Thus it's possible that SD occurs on Halloween, and the Bride is birthed on 11/4 as Lazarus was raised on the 4th day.
Since Cheshvan 17 was the day when the Noah's Flood Judgment started, the Judgment of Fire could begin from 10/31.
Could the Maine shooting on 10/25 that 18 killed and 13 wounded be a 7 day warning for Halloween?
13 means Apostasy and Rebellion.
O's name has 18 letters which fit to Rev.13:18.

Here are 3 youtube messages related to a nuclear explosion in NY.




Hopefully this is it.