Denis Hart (8 Oct 2023)
"US Solar Eclipses: It's Now or Never!!"

US Solar Eclipses: It's Now or Never!! 

Two very important solar eclipses, visible from the United States, are coming up: an annular (ring of fire) eclipse on 14th October 2023 and a total solar eclipse on 8th April 2024 (forming a cross over the US in tandem with the 21 August 2017 total eclipse).

Solar eclipses can be bad omens for the world.  There are 177 days between these two eclipses.  If there are three days of darkness before 14 October or after 8th April, this would be 180 days - half a time (prophetic year of 360 days).

The link is to an interesting article on these eclipses.  What is most interesting is this at the end of the article: the 8th April 24 eclipse is the last visible from the US until 2044!  If these eclipses do not mark the Rapture or major 2nd Coming event, then this solar sign would slip into the shadows (from a US perspective at least).  With war breaking out suddenly in Israel, and many other birth pangs, it is time to look up!!

Next Saturday (14th October) is an important date for Australia - a referendum on whether to embody an Indigenous Voice in the Australian Constitution.  This is the first referendum in almost 24 years.

Denis in Canberra